
She may not smell it, but she knows it when she sees it

Blondie was out walking with the love of her life, Karie, and all Karie’s other dogs. She goes out with a dog walker twice a week as a lesson in socialization. Since Blue died, she tends to think she’s the only dog left in the world and she was starting to like that way too much.

So there they all are, noses to the ground, walking in a pack in front of Karie, right up until they almost walked into the bear. Apparently not one of the dogs smelled it. Which makes you wonder what they were doing with their noses to the ground. As one, they turned and headed back for the van with Karie running behind to make sure they all made it safely there… or maybe they were simply outrunning her. According to Karie, the bear ambled out onto the trail and seemed to be looking wistfully at the rapidly retreating pack as if wondering if he could join the fun.

I was out when Karie brought Blondie back to the house. When I got home, Blondie was zoned out on the couch and could barely open her eyes long enough to note my reappearance.

I guess running from bears takes a lot out of you. I’m at least grateful that even if she can’t smell a bear, when she sees one she knows to go the other way and not try to make friends. It may not be much, but she’s very blond so it’s something.