
Mike Pence… America’s hero?

Here are words I never thought I would think, let alone say out loud. I am starting to have some respect for Mike Pence. Don’t get me wrong. His politics generally appall me. His attitude towards women rolls out of a century that can’t even be identified. And on most days, he resembles a walking Viagra ad. But he not only apparently believes in our Constitution, he will stand up to a bully to protect it.

Trump is obviously the bully to whom I refer. And in case you ever wondered what an adult bully sounds like, check out Trump’s Continue reading →


My Covid and my rescue dogs

I have spent what seems like the last few decades wearing a mask, being careful about handwashing, avoiding crowds when possible. I have been vaccinated and boosted and all but screamed to the heavens to keep me safe from Covid. Then, one day I went to a store and forgot my mask. This occurred long after masks were no longer required so I figured what could a quick unmasked trip in the store hurt.

Yep, you guessed it. Three days later I woke up with a headache that made me feel as though my head was going to explode. This Continue reading →