
Bong His for Jesus

As a proud member of the sixties counter culture, words fail to express how thrilled I am that the Alaska case that makes it to the Supreme Court has, at its heart, the statement “Bong Hits for Jesus.” Thank god Alaska never really plans to go all soft and urban.  Down in the lower 48 they may ask, “What Would Jesus Do?” Here in Alaska, we know the answer.  Bong hits.

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You have to let your dogs know you’re in charge

My dogs think that my attempt to make my bed in the morning is just a fun game to play. Jump up on the bed while she tries to pull the sheet up. Jump off before her hand reaches you. Jump back up as she reaches for the bespread. Jump back off when her face turns that funny purple red while she’s saying your name much more loudly than needed since you can hear perfectly well….yep. There is nothing like making sure the animals in the house know that you are the alpha dog.  Of course, when they are laughing

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St. Patrick’s Day

It has been pointed out to me that yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day and I didn’t even make passing mention of it here.  Well, pardon me, but which part of my name looks Irish to you? I know, I know, on St. Pat’s Day everyone is Irish.  Well, I for one think the Irish need to reconsider that concept. Do they really want the unholy triumvarate of Bush, Cheney and Rove to be Irish for even one day?

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For Char


“Not the least hard thing to bear when they go from us, these quiet friends, is that they carry away with them so many years of our lives. Yet, if they find warmth therein, who would begrudge them those years that they have so guarded? And whatever they take, be sure they have deserved.”

John Galsworthy

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It’s shedding time

Five parrots, a cockatoo and two dogs are currently shedding feathers and fur in my house. Thank god for my cataracts. I can’t see half the mess.

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For god’s sake, just tell the truth and get over it

I don’t mind the firing of all those federal prosecutors as much as I mind the boldfaced lies of the administration in claiming that it wasn’t political. For god’s sake, we aren’t idiots out here, even if we did elect Bush twice.  But to have hard evidence of correspondence between the White House and the AG’s chief of staff showing the political plotting and manuvering, and then to find out that friends of people in high places got appointed to the suddenly vacated positions, and then to see the good evaluations those eight prosecutors received proving that the terminations had

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Bye Bye Halliburton

Halliburton is leaving the US and setting up its new corporate headquarters in the mid-East. You know what this means, right?  Quick, check the US Treasury. We must be totally out of money.,

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Columns 2007

Real Alaskans whine

Now that Fur Rondy and the Iditarod have safely made it through Anchorage with all the snow they could possible want, would it be horrible of me to suggest that I’ve had it with winter.  I’m done with ice.  Snow has lost its amusement value for me.  Bragging to my relatives about how low the temperature got last night is no longer fun. 

I’m tired of the twenty-minute dressing routine I have to go through every day before I walk my dogs. My feet long to stroll without little wire grippers between them and god’s earth.  My hands long to

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Isn’t that the point?

I am always highly amused when I read letters to the editor in the local paper in which some yahoo points out that we could not publicly complain or criticize our government if we were in Iraq and so we shoudl shut up and support whatever the administration wants to do. And I think to myself, “But isn’t that the point?” Alas, that kind of nuance is lost on the letter writers.

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Why god made turn signals on cars

God made turn signals on cars in order to allow the driver of car one to let the drivers of cars two through ad infinitum know that he or she was planning to turn onto a street or into a different lane. This is not a hard concept. Putting your turn signal on when you are already halfway into the other lane is plain stupid.  Most of the cars around you already get what you are planning to do and are cursing you silently under their breath for not signaling in advance.  Putting your turn signal on at that point

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