
Just when I thought we could not sink any lower

Yep, that POS currently casting slime and shit all over our White House has managed to open a door in the floor we didn’t even know was there so we could sink even lower in the world’s estimation. And, quite frankly, in the estimation of a lot of Americans who are positively bewildered by how quickly POS has managed to turn us into a mini-me Putin style Russia.

What was that door he found, you ask? It’s the door he opened when he said that separating children from their parents was a way to gain political leverage in his immigration battle. That’s right. Americans are now holding children hostage in cages while they cry for their mothers in order to gain political advantage. They are no longer human beings. They are merely pawns in POS’ game of brinkmanship with all that is left of goodness and decency in this country. In case you’re wondering, the score would indicate that goodness and decency are losing big time.

So since the evangelicals have apparently found this even a step too far for many of them, and since a meeting of Catholic bishops is horrified by what is happening, I’m assuming that Christian communities all over America will be sending busload after busload of believers to the border to stand in front of these children and their families and risk jail rather than letting our government continue this heinous activity.

So get those buses lined up and running… right, Christians? Oh Christians, over here. Get away from the abortion clinic and come to the border where you can actually prove to us cynics that you really do hold life sacred… even after it’s born.

C’mon, Christians. I’m waiting for you.

One thought on “Just when I thought we could not sink any lower”

  1. Gwenn Jester-Haslett says:

    Well said.

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