Writer for Hire
Motto - No standards?
No problem.
No problem.
It takes a special person to move from New York City to the Arctic. My family says it takes someone for whom they should always have updated commitment papers ready. But my 30 years in Barrow, Alaska were great. Read my book, Parallel Logic, to find out just how funny they were. Or check out my latest book, Coming Into the City, about the realities of adjusting to life in a town with a Costco. They can be ordered online at www.alaskabooksandcalendars.com.
Now I live a mundane life in Anchorage where I operate a very small, unusually non-profit making company, Precious Cargo, Ltd. I also write a weekly column for the Anchorage Daily News.
I'm a writer for hire. Having worked for politicians, I have no standards I will not stoop below if you pay me to write for you. Enjoy my site. And keep laughing. It beats hell out of the alternative. See my bio...
Recent Entries
- Seniors are not the problem
- We had Camelot
- Blood Bank veto shows Dunleavy’s meaness
- For God’s sake
- AI bots, politicians… who can tell the difference?
- Campus Awakenings
- Be nice to poll workers
- Anchorage needs ranked choice voting
- Trump as American dictator
- Does Alaska even have a future?
- The half million dollar toilet
- Peace, love and pot were simply not enough
- The pain of abuse
- Both Palestinians and Jews deserve a peaceful place to live
- If I donate my body to science…