
Grey days

Anchorage is having one butt ugly fall/winter. Snow. Rain. Mud. Ice.  Nothing at all attractive about it. We should be looking out our windows and seeing snow frozen solid to the ground. No ice. Certainly no rain or mud. That’s for breakup. Just beautiful white snow heralding the start of the holidays. As Alaskans, we don’t officially get tired of snow until sometime in February.

But this year we have no chance to get tired of the snow based on the few pathetic patches left on my lawn. I get up in the morning and look out on a day that is grey and dreary and find it hard to get motivated enough to get out of my bathrobe. So I sit in front of the TV, watch NCIS – LA reruns while eating cheese and crackers as my main food source. Is it healthy? Of course not. I’ll be pooping yellow cheese bricks for days to come… and that’s if I’m lucky enough to get them out.

No, sitting around with no energy or enthusiasm while downing cheese and crackers for breakfast, lunch and dinner is not healthy. But when you look out the window and know any attempt to even walk down your driveway will result in disaster because of that thin, almost invisible layer of ice, you have few options but to hunker down and try to outlast it.

Bring me back my beautiful snowfalls where the light of its whiteness illuminates the entire day and night. But this grey crap day after day – bring me my cheese and crackers and turn on those CSI reruns. Sometimes you just have to surrender.