
I’m about to go all “old lady” on you

OK, I’m done. I’ve had it. Please, oh please, no more celebrities wearing see through dresses, bikinis that look to split their asses in half, side boob shots that are just sad and those stupid dresses where the sheer part goes all the way down but the real dress only goes to the knees. And I don’t need someone’s boobs pushing through a see through top. Make it all stop. For the love of god, leave something for the imagination. If I never see a celebrity ass again, it will be too soon. Continue reading →


Bird TLC’s Amazon Smile Wish List


Support Bird TLC through our Amazon Wish List!


We squeeze every penny and make them all count, but we are always in need of various supplies:

  •  Gift Cards (Lowe’s, Home Depot, Fred Meyer, Costco, Pet Supply Stores, etc.)
  •  Unprocessed Salmon or Red Meat
  •  Bleach
  •  Simple Green
  •  Laundry Soap & Dish Soap
  •  Garbage Bags
  •  Ziploc Bags
  •  Paper Towels & Toilet Paper
  •  Army Blankets
  •  Mirrors (All sizes)
  •  Clean, Used Towels
  •  Rubber / Latex Gloves
  •  Garden Hoses & Hose Nozzles
  •  Plywood

Contact Bird TLC office for drop off directions or to arrange pick-up: (907) 562-4852.

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Columns 2017

We create tiny worlds to escape the “others”

I grew up in a very insular place. For the first ten years of my life, I thought the pope ruled the world and the president ruled America for him. I went to Catholic school from pre-kindergarten through college. I took four years of Latin figuring that would make me bilingual – which it would have if I lived in the Vatican.

When I was in the 8th grade, I won a Voice of Democracy award from the state’s VFW for an essay I wrote. The award ceremony was held at a Protestant church. I got hysterical. I refused Continue reading →


Am I the only one surprised?

Am I the only one surprised that Canada hasn’t started building a wall on their southern border?

Also, Orangeman does realize you can’t put solar panels on the side of his imaginary wall and have them work? Silly me. He’s clearly not smart enough to know the difference between top and side. Maybe someone can build him a miniature wall with popsicle sticks. Maybe the visual will help. It’s what we used for children with learning disabilities and god knows, this man has a long standing learning disability. Oh, and he’s an asshole too. Continue reading →


Birds and dogs

I never leave my parrots and dogs alone together if the birds are out of their cages. I do this because I don’t ever want there to be an “accident” in which a bird loses to a dog’s teeth. I thought I was protecting the birds.

So yesterday I’m cleaning bird cages and Wilson, my conure, climbs to the top of his cage while the door is open. As I take my head out from his cage where I was cleaning the inside, my first thought was that Nayla was too close and too interested and I needed to keep Continue reading →


Is anyone really surprised

Anyone out there who is surprised that the Republican health care bill gives tax breaks to the rich while taking money away from Medicaid should rethink their ability to live independently because they clearly do not have the brain cells needed.

Why are Republicans such a mean group? Why do they hate kindness and compassion? Have they never read the words of the New Testament… you know, the book purportedly stating what Jesus Christ preached? Because if they have, I don’t see how any of them can call themselves Christians, or even nice human beings. Continue reading →