Trying to find the right combination of medications to allow my Nayla to be groomed without her being traumatized or my groomer being bit. We are on the fourth combination of medications and at best they slow her down maybe a step. What the hell is this dog made of? She should be flat out and snoring. instead, she’s still wrestling Snowy for the toy and begging for treats. I might as well have been giving her pills filled with water for all the effect they’ve had. Wow. Respect. Continue reading →
If you’ve not already done so
Please contact your senator and tell him or her that developing a health care plan with no public or female input is wrong, wrong, wrong. Those old white men need to come out from behind closed doors and stop doing it in secret. What assholes. Continue reading →
Make downtown Anchorage more accessible
In my rapidly approaching old age, I find myself becoming one of the ladies who lunch. Partly this is because I can no longer drive in the dark so my social life in winter is limited to lunches. Also, by 5 PM I’m ready for my nightie and a good book. Unlike in my youth, starting anything after 7 PM seems more like a punishment than a treat.
So I have a stalwart friend who lunches with me on a regular basis. We follow Mara Severin’s restaurant reviews religiously. There are restaurants in town that occupy a space we have Continue reading →
The Cabinet meeting that shouldn’t have been
OMG! If someone in Hollywood had scripted a cabinet meeting with the dialog we heard yesterday from a real one, the writer would have been told it was too bizarre to even touch reality and that no one would buy it. And yet, there is was for all to see. Good thing Orangeman has a huge ass given how hard he was making all his Cabinet members suck on it at once. Continue reading →
spam comments
Every week I get spam comments on this site from robots selling everything from education to… for some bizarre reason… porn. Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against porn. If that’s your thing, go for it. But I was raised to be a good Catholic little girl and I still can’t bring myself to even search for porn on my computer. I’m sure the day I do, I’ll drop dead and then everyone will see a porn search in my browser history and my reputation… never good under the best of circumstances… will further be denigrated.
And yes, this Continue reading →
Impeachment… GOP style
So Republicans think impeaching a president over an Oval Office sex scandal is ok but impeaching a president for colluding with Russia, lying to the public and pressuring the FBI into a political decision are all within the realm of acceptable behavior.
Those dudes must have a really weird sex life. Or maybe they were just mad that he was getting some on the side and they can’t get any from anyone without paying for it. Continue reading →
Our world of horror
Growing up in the fifties, I spent a lot of time in a school hallway with my hands over my head or hiding under my desk. These were drills for the day when the godless communists would rain atom bombs down on America. According to the nuns, our hands or our desks would protect us from such an attack.
Sounds simplistic beyond belief now. How could even a little child believe that? Well, we did because back then, teachers were gods and if they said so, it must be true. And when those teachers were also nuns who had married Continue reading →
Why do I have so many Allen wrenches
I’m not sure how this happened but when I die, my family will make a fortune selling off the Allen wrench sets I seem to have accumulated over a lifetime. How did this happen? Continue reading →
My heart breaks for England
As a subscriber to British History Magazine and a devoted Anglophile, my heart breaks for London and Manchester. But the British are the people who survived the blitz and emerged victorious. I have no doubt their descendants will also endure and emerge triumphant.
And on another note, fuck you, terrorists, fuck you all. Continue reading →
Thank god
Thank god the rest of the world no longer listens to America and will continue on to save the planet without our government. The only thing that hacks me off is that Orangeman will get to breathe the clean air we create despite his caveman edicts. Seems like we should force him to breathe from a canister of polluted air. Oh wait. That’s right. Every time he speaks, he pollutes the air. So all he has to do is inhale. Continue reading →