
It must be spring

I sneeze at least ten times every morning before I even make it to the coffee maker to turn it on. Why is it that my body seems to hate everything green and pretty? I lived almost thirty years in Barrow without a bad allergy season. Then I moved to Anchorage and all those memories of childhood visits to Dr. Dittenfass for allergy shots came rushing back. You’d think I’d outgrow it but no. I am apparently destined to be allergic to all natural things for the rest of my life. Continue reading →

Columns 2017

Fantastical thinking… budget category

I’ve always wondered how Republicans can call themselves the party of fiscal conservatism when faced with the stark reality that the federal debt goes up under Republican presidents and down under Democratic presidents. Doesn’t make much sense, does it?

And now here we are faced with the same dilemma in Alaska. The Republican majority in the Senate crafts a budget that does not balance the budget; that calls for unspecified cuts in state government that they are too chicken to actually name; that depends on what can only be called voodoo economic reasoning; that relies on pots of money that Continue reading →


These are the rules

  1. For so long as I pay the bills, you have to leave me at least a quarter of the bed to sleep on.
  2. When it’s time to get up and go out, you cannot stretch, look sadly at me, and then flop down again on the bed. If I have to get up, you have to get up.
  3. Sitting directly in front of me to make sure you know when I head towards the treats is a good way to trip me up and break my neck. The upshot of that is… no more treats.
  4. You are not now, nor
Continue reading →

A thought for the day

Archeologists find amazing pottery created by ancient civilizations. Works of beauty.

Assuming the human race survives another 1000 years, what do we think those archeologists will think when they dig up black plastic bowls that once contained frozen soups? What will that tell them about the creativity of our civilization?

Just saying, the Greeks and Romans have it all over us in this regard. Continue reading →

Columns 2017

Dan Fauske

The first Fauske I ever met was Dave Fauske, Dan’s brother. Met him and his wife Betty on my first night in Barrow. The second Fauske I met was Dan. Both brothers approached the world as though everyone was a potential friend and almost everyone I know responded back in kind.

Dan died last week. He left us much too early. Yet he still managed to leave a rather impressive legacy. He spent years as the Finance Director of the North Slope Borough, years as the head of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation and then headed up the gas line Continue reading →

Columns 2017

It was a strange week indeed

Last week was definitely a strange week. And it had absolutely nothing to do with anything happening in any recently drained and/or refilled swamp.

For starts, the state’s Chamber of Commerce head Curtis Thayer was quoted in a March 28, 2017 ADN article as follows, “’We want to see budget cuts’ said Curtis Thayer, the head of the chamber. If the price of oil rises enough, he added: ‘We’re out of a problem.’”

Are you kidding me? The head of the biggest business group in the state would like us to put our hands together and clap as hard as Continue reading →