
Ick, ick, icky

Am I the only one who suspects that the reason Melania doesn’t live with Orangeman at the White House is because that role is already being filled by Ivanka?  And I mean that in both the personal and political sense.

Ick. Ick. Ick. Continue reading →


Why men should not be leading the world

Because a young man in Australia jumped into a crocodile invested body of water to impress an English girl who was touring his country. When asked if she was special and that’s why he did it, the young man answered that no, she was just a girl. He said this from the hospital where he was taken when a crocodile chomped down on his arm.

He sounds like someone who should be in Orangeman’s cabinet. Continue reading →

Columns 2017

What we have is an embarrassment of riches

Writing a weekly column means always worrying about finding a topic for the next one. The horror of staring at a blank document on your computer screen while your mind remains as blank as that document is one of the scariest moments in a writer’s life. Which is why I have finally found something for which to be thankful to the current person pretending to be president (CPPP). As long as he remains in power, he provides an endless supply of topics that need to be addressed. In fact, some might say columnists nowadays are facing an embarrassment of riches. Continue reading →


The more I think about it

The more I think about it, the more annoyed I get. Now I can’t even look frumpy in my own home. And forget about scratching my butt. The TV and microwave and toaster and smoke detector are all taking pictures of me and sending them to some poor soul whose job it is to be bored to death. I feel guilty if I don’t at least attempt to look a little nice for my refrigerator now. I think I’ll just go sit in my bedroom in the dark and revel in knowing that no one can see how messy I Continue reading →


Well, if we couldn’t do it, at least the Germans could

Since we still find it impossible to pay women equally for equal work from men, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that we couldn’t elect a female president. So thank god for Germany and Angela Merkel. At least somewhere in this world there is a bright, intelligent woman leading us on a better path – or, at least, a recognizable path that seems to have involved some thought and effort as opposed to Orangeman who seems to act on impulse… and his impulses are around a seven year old’s level. Continue reading →


I wish I could get excited

I wish I could get excited about St. Patrick’s Day this year but I can’t. News from the Orange House is so bad on a daily basis that I spend most of my time feeling sad for the demise of our once great nation.

So all you seniors and kids out there who will no longer have enough food to eat so that we can build a military force that will keep the military industrial complex rich, find someone wearing green today and get them to treat you to some corned beef and cabbage. It may be the last meal Continue reading →

Columns 2017

Political ethics… more ephemeral than spun sugar

I don’t know about you but I am personally ready to beat on any Alaskan politician claiming to cut the fat from the state budget to make ends meet without offering a single instance of where that fat is.

We are in the middle of a statewide fiscal crisis. Combine the budget gap with the recession and you have a perfect storm for wreaking havoc in the lives of ordinary citizens. Yet our state Senate seems intent on making that situation worse by offering a budget fix that would destroy thousands of jobs, deepen the recession and only be good Continue reading →


You just know he’s laughing

Don’t you think that in a house somewhere in Washington, DC, Obama is laughing his ass off as the Republicans try to undo Obamacare and find themselves at war with everyone over it. I mean, given their rhetoric of repealing it the first chance they got, he’s got to be at least snickering over their abortive Ryancare bill and it’s army of enemies. Continue reading →