
Help me with this

Isn’t lying under oath a crime? So how does Sessions get to continue on as the Attorney General? If that was you or me, guess how quickly the police would be at our door advising us of our rights. Yep, the rules are different for the rich and powerful. Lying to Congress? No problem… as long as you have friends in the right places.

American justice is no longer blind because it is an equal opportunity justice for all. It’s blind because it’s not allowed to see what the people at the top are doing. Continue reading →

Columns 2017

Where did all those patriots go?

Let’s take a stroll through nostalgia lane, back to the time when you had to wear an American flag lapel pin to be considered patriotic. God help the politicians who forgot to put one on because then they were accused of being Kenyan born Muslims who hated America. And if you refused to stand for the national anthem… well, you were just about as close to an ungrateful traitor as you could get without actually being one.

You remember those days, right? It was back when right wing conservatives screamed and tore their hair out if someone didn’t put their Continue reading →


Tomorrow’s blog

Don’t miss tomorrow’s blog where I ask that all important question… where did all those damn patriots go who condemned politicians who didn’t wear flag lapel pins as unAmerican but have no problem with Orangeman saying that America is as bad as Russia when it comes to murdering political opponents. Seriously, why have they not demanded his impeachment? Continue reading →


It’s my bed, damn it!

I get out of bed to pee and by the time I get back in… all of thirty seconds later… all three dogs have shifted on the bed so it is damn near impossible for me to get in under the covers and find room for my feet. And they seem to gain about 100 lbs. when doing this because the strength needed to toss them off my spot at 3 AM is more than I can muster. So I just wiggle around them and sleep sideways on the bed with half my body covered by the blanket and the Continue reading →


I lied

I did come back from Vegas with something… the worse cold of the decade so far in my life. I truly do apologize to that poor man and his daughter who sat next to me on the plane from Seattle to Anchorage. I have never sneezed so much in my life. I’m surprised he and his daughter didn’t try to climb out onto the wing to avoid me. Continue reading →

Columns 2017

We all know how she got the job

Let me state at the outset that I am friends with one of Lisa Murkowski’s siblings. But our friendship is based much more on a shared love of food than any political discourse. So when I write about Lisa, I’m writing from the perspective of someone who knows her only as a public figure.

Having said that let me say this. Would all Alaskans who are still fixated on how she got her job please get a life. I’m sure I’m not the only Alaskan who is sick and tired of the rant about how she’s only our senator because Continue reading →



Today was just a test run to see which penny slots like me. Turns out none of them. But tomorrow… ah, tomorrow… another day to conquer those slots. Bring it on, you devil machines! Continue reading →