
My Friday

And how did I spend this day when, above all else, I wanted to be nowhere near a tv or radio or Internet? I spent it with two lovely young men emptying every closet in my house as well as the utility room and getting rid of stuff I brought down from Barrow 16 years ago that I have never seen or used since. Can’t believe how much space I have now. Tomorrow, one last closet and then reorganizing the garage with all the stuff we moved into there, all the stuff that needs to go to the dump (one Continue reading →

Columns 2017

How we treat mental illnesses

Once again we face the dismal reality that as a society, we have made little to no progress in understanding and treating mental illness. Over the centuries, people with mental illnesses have been considered touched by the gods, possessed by the devil and full of the wrong humors. Once we understood mental illness was just that, an illness, you’d think we’d have come up with a rational way to deal with it. But this, of all illnesses, seems to be the one we can’t wrap our heads around. No matter what society says out loud, privately most people just want Continue reading →


How are we doing?

How are we doing in Alaska in dealing with people with mental illnesses? How has society as a whole progressed since the day we thought that people with mental health problems were either touched by a god or possessed by the devil?

Check out my blog tomorrow to read my column from the Alaska Dispatch News on this very important topic. Continue reading →


White-knuckle driving

When I was much, much younger, I thought driving through snow on clogged roads was a blast, a challenge, something that exhilarated me.

After being required to drive in yesterday’s storm, I would like to reverse my judgement on those drives. They are horrible, scary and cause my stomach to hurt so much I can’t even eat… and as we all know, when I can’t eat, I must be having a near death experience.

Don’t get me wrong. I love the snow. I’d just love it more if I could just stay home and watch it out the window instead Continue reading →


Snow days

I love snow days when I can sink into my chair and watch the snow fall while staying safe and warm in my home. But today I have to go out for two different animal appointments. Sigh. Please hold the worse of the snow off until I get back. I hate white-knuckling it while I’m driving. I hate it even more when there is no car in front of me to follow and I have to figure out where the lane is.

But aside from that, I love snow days.

Happy MLK Day too! Seems more important this year than Continue reading →


Gosh golly

And now it’s almost zero and the wind is blowing. Makes me want to crawl back into bed, pull the blanket up to my chin, settle the dogs in around me so their warm little bodies help keep me comfy and not get up until spring. Don’t know how it is in the rest of Anchorage, but the wind blew the frost off most of my trees so the beauty of the frigid day is diminished while the freezing factor is upped. Yep, living in Alaska is not for wimps. Continue reading →

Columns 2017

Both parties need to retire

Has it occurred to anyone else that both the Democrats and the Republicans have become the parties of dysfunction? Is it perhaps time to retire them both to the dustbin of history and start anew?

Look at the Dems. They lost the election and since then have pretty much been curled up in a whimpering ball of shaking goo. If Hillary had won and then it became public knowledge that her win had been at least partly assisted by the Kremlin, the Republicans would not be curled up and quivering. They would have fourteen special committees investigating it. They would Continue reading →