Columns 2016

Spewing hate is not American

My cousins Joe and Mary have three children. The oldest boy is married to an ethnic Chinese woman from Vietnam. The middle son is married to a Pennsylvania farmer’s daughter. The youngest, a girl, is married to an African-American. This is coming to you from a family that, just two generations ago, thought when my Uncle Albert (Italian) married Aunt Jean (Polish), the world was spinning slightly off its axis.

When I read about the interracial couple who were stabbed because they kissed in public and some racist thought that was just too much to ask him to bear, my Continue reading →


Do they even hear what they are saying?

Am I the only one sick and tired of hearing people say they are supporting Trump but when you ask them what they support, all they can mumble is that he’ll shake up the establishment? Ask them about any specific Trump policy and they respond that he doesn’t really mean to ban all Muslims or build that wall. He’s just saying that. So they are basing their whole support of him on the premise that he won’t do any of the things he’s campaigning to do. Dear lord… even pretzels don’t twist that much. Continue reading →

Columns 2016

Old Friends

The thing about living in Alaska is that if you weren’t born here, if you came here from elsewhere, you probably left a lot of people behind. I know I did. While I wouldn’t give up the life I have here for anything, I can’t say that I haven’t missed being a bigger part of my birth family. Although it’s been over 44 years, I still miss the siblings and cousins and friends I left behind.

One of those friends will be visiting me tomorrow. She’s special. She got to wear a cape to her high school prom, the most Continue reading →


And this is why I don’t wear trifocals

Thought I’d save a little money and buy trifocals instead of progressive lenses. Wow. What a mistake that was. I don’t know how anyone handles trifocals unless their glasses are twice as big as mine. All I saw were blurry lines all the time. Made me crazy. Did it for a day thinking I’d adjust. Spent the day nauseated by all the bobbing my head had to do. Went right back to the optician and had them redo the glasses into progressives… thus spending more than if I’d just ordered the progressives in the first place. And this is why Continue reading →


I know now what lenses I can’t use

Thought I’d save a little money and buy trifocals instead of progressives. Big mistake. Big, big mistake. Just returned them to be refitted with progressive lenses. I’m hoping the nausea goes away by tomorrow. Those trifocals are wicked.

On another note, Trump continues to amaze, doesn’t he? This would be really funny if it weren’t so scary for our country. Continue reading →