Columns 2016

Conflict of interest

Given the shenanigans of our current Legislature, it’s sometimes hard to decide which of their actions makes the average Alaskan most crazy. For instance, they are now into the second week of their special session and the utter silence emanating from Juneau is deafening. Yet they are getting paid better for that silence than you will ever be for working your butt off.

Maybe Alaskans have become so accustomed to corrupt officials that it doesn’t even faze us anymore when a legislator does something sleazy. In fact, this one particular sleazy issue goes a long way towards getting Alaska ranked Continue reading →

Columns 2016

Would someone go knock on the door please.

I hear the Alaska legislature is in special session trying to do what it couldn’t do in the regular session or the extended session. But it’s so quiet down in Juneau I have to wonder if they’re really there or just faking us out. Someone should knock on the chamber door and see if anyone is home.

On second thought, isn’t this the definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. They couldn’t differentiate their asses from a hole in the ground for the first four months. Why do we think a Continue reading →

Columns 2016

Huggins and Meyer are just schoolyard bullies

Here’s the lines in Senator Kevin Meyer’s Sunday opinion piece that actually made me spit up a bit. “After hearing a ‘budget first’ mantra all year, the governor chose to include issues on the special session ranging from insurance to foster care guidelines. These issues are important but are they urgent compared to addressing the $4.1 billion deficit and impending flurry of pink slips?” He goes on to moan and whine about how it’s all the fault of the governor and the Democrats despite the fact that his party controls both Alaska Houses.

So let’s take a look at some reality here. If in fact Mr. Meyer has been hearing a budget first mantra all year, why don’t we have a budget? Lest there be any doubt, all of us here in the hinterlands heard that mantra. We simply couldn’t figure out how supposedly intelligent legislators managed to work for four months and still come up looking surprised that they accomplished absolutely nothing.

Columns 2016

It’s baby bird season

The sun is shinning, the trees are blooming, the flowers are blossoming, so it must be baby bird season.

Baby birds are not terribly cute except in a “so ugly they’re cute” fashion. The first thing you think when you see a featherless baby bird is dinosaur. Because this is exactly what a naked little baby bird looks like.  Birds are descendants of the dinosaurs that once roamed this earth.

Columns 2016

Is this what we’ve come to?

So this is what it’s come to. Statesmanship, patriotism, the welfare of our country, not giving the button to nuclear weapons to a reality star… all this goes by the wayside because party unity and hating the Clintons is more important. I have been disappointed in our congressional delegation many times in the past but this time is the worse. They are all uniting behind Donald Trump because they believe defeating Hillary Clinton is more important than electing someone with even a modicum of credentials for the job of United States President.

This is like a patient asking for someone who just got a nurse’s assistant diploma from DeVry University to do their open-heart surgery because they don’t like the highly credentialed surgeon available for the procedure.

Columns 2016

How will they enforce this law?

As the debate over the use of bathrooms by transgendered people continues on in its idiocy, I have one question. How do they plan to enforce laws requiring you to use the bathroom connected to your sex organs at birth? 

Will everyone entering or leaving a bathroom be x-rayed to make sure they have the proper parts? Or will a security guard grope us all to ascertain we have the right equipment for the bathroom we are trying to enter? And if a transgendered person has had reconstructive surgery, how will the bathroom police differentiate them from someone born with those sex organs?

Columns 2016

How Alaska’s Fiscal Conservatives in Juneau define themselves

It would be the ultimate irony if the Legislature ended up in Anchorage at the Taj Mahawker. In a time of fiscal crisis, they will be drawing down money we can’t afford to continue their goal of figuring out what other group of Alaskans they can put the screws to. They’ll do this while sitting in a building that they neither need nor deserve. These legislators claim to be fiscal conservatives while spending money the state doesn’t have because they can’t do their work on time. Yet they propose to penalize state workers who actually have to be punctual, work

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Columns 2016

Alaska Legislature not the real world

Help me out with this. If I work in the real world and have a boss who hands me a priority assignment and a deadline, doesn’t my future in that job pretty much depend on getting it done in a timely fashion? Seriously, how many of us have bosses who would allow us to routinely ignore their priorities? How many would just keep giving us extensions because we decided we had our own priorities, priorities that weren’t necessarily what our boss had in mind. I’m guessing that out there in the real world, your boss would start questioning your importance

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Columns 2016

The Hardboiled Egg Lasagna War

Not since the Eggplant Lasagna War of 2012 has my family been so divided. But that has now faded into the distant past as the Great Hardboiled Egg Lasagna Debacle of 2016 has overtaken it both in terms of vehemence and hysteria.

It all started with my sister’s request that I make lasagna for Sunday dinner at Cousin Joe’s house. That would be cousin Joe Jr. as opposed to Joe 3, or Joseph the progenitor of all that followed, or cousin Joe from New York, or any other of the multitudinous Joe’s in our family. You see, we are a

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Columns 2016

You get what you vote for

People who had issues with the concept of a privileged class founded America. Somehow we’ve managed to circumvent their intent and created our own version of a privileged class that is seemingly answerable to no one for their actions. No, I’m not talking about the Kardashians. Given what our political leaders have been doing recently, the Kardashians are starting to look fairly normal. This is why we should all be grateful that the next election is only seven moths away.

Yes, it is still that long until we get the chance to show the politicians that they are not a

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