
We are the elderly

Just as I thought to myself how well I was doing old age, old age reached out and slapped me in my face for my hubris. Within the past six months, it has slammed me with a heart attack, multiple fainting episodes, open heart surgery and vision diminished so badly I can no long drive.

Yep, welcome to the golden years.

All thoughts of independence have gone down the tubes. All thoughts of how amazing an old lady I am have been permanently squashed. And after two years of this blankety-blank pandemic, even a crusty old loner like my reputation Continue reading →


All the old men

So I’m guessing that we can all agree that 2021 was no better than 2020 in most regards. We started off with an assault on our democracy and ended with a whole new covid variant. What could possibly be worse than that? Well, hold on to your hats, folks, because Biden announced he will run for president in 2024 in a breathless rematch between him and he whose name I shudder to mention. Yep, that’s right. For America’s next presidential election, we will be seeing a rematch of the two oldest, whitest men in America. What could be more frightening? Continue reading →


Holidays, family, friends

There is a line in the old TV show, Will and Grace, that I’ve always loved and thought should be heard by every Alaskan who has left their familiar world to search for their own truth here.

“There’s the family you are born into and the family you choose.”

A lot of us here in Alaska come from elsewhere. And if you live in Alaska, elsewhere is always far away. So we gather around us people who become our chosen family to fill in the gaps caused by the absence of our birth family. Sometimes we find out that our Continue reading →


Duct tape fixes

I recently caused a friend to almost spit food out her nose while laughing after I told her how I fixed my cabinet knobs. For context, I arrived here 50 years ago and was part of the Alaska that couldn’t always get what it needed to fix stuff. So, ingenuity was a prized quality to have when you needed to get your skidoo going again while you were on the tundra in 40 below weather with just duct tape and hope.

(By the way, as an Alaskan who likes to avoid unnecessary conflict, I will be spelling it as “duct” Continue reading →


Maybe I’m the only one

When I saw Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris sitting together behind Biden at the State of the Union address, it brought tears to my eyes. I grew up in a world where women couldn’t open a bank account without a man’s approval. And now one man was standing there with his back protected by two of the baddest ass women in this world.

It’s a day I never thought would happen. And if it did happen, I assumed I’d be long dead. But with two women in charge, I finally have some hope that we really can right this ship Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized

Mask reveal

Once the worse of the pandemic passed, some friends and I started to gather weekly to laugh, eat and amuse each other. It was just like before the pandemic but not quite because it was happening in a big empty room in my house that allowed for safe distancing. Also, everyone brought snacks individually wrapped so we could eat and visit – our two favorite things in the whole world.

Because we are all of a certain age, we received our covid vaccinations around the same time and so hit the two weeks past the second shot stage all at Continue reading →


My days are such

My days of lounging are such that even one appointment can throw my whole schedule off. I mean, is it morning? Afternoon? Evening? How am I supposed to know which shows I should be watching if I don’t know what time of the day it is? Can I have more Snapple tea with caffeine or is it time to switch to Crystal Light? Again, how can I possibly know when an appointment in the middle of my lounging throws everything into chaos.

If it weren’t for my dogs who know exactly when dinner should be served, my whole day would Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized

I saw D.C. I cried

I have tried to give myself some distance from what happened in our nation’s capital. But I can’t. I long for some way to view it dispassionately, to calmly pull apart the various pieces and examine how we got to the point where armed insurrectionists invaded Washington, DC. But I can’t get past that moment when I first saw the invasion of our capital. All I could do was cry.

I am by all accounts an old lady. My generation was raised by the generation that survived the Great Depression and won the Second World War. They viewed America as Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized

Are you happy now?

All you Trumpers, out there. All you people who followed him into this horror because he made your stocks and money soar. Are you happy? Today, in Washington DC, you saw the results of your belief in the Trump cult.

You should all be so ashamed of yourselves that words can’t even express how ashamed. I know that there is no site on this web that will allow me to call you the range of names I want to because they are too vile. But not for describing you. And not for this day.

Here’s how the future goes for Continue reading →