Columns 2016

Air travel sucks the big one

According to the U. S. Department of Transportation, consumer complaints about airlines continue to flow in at astounding rates. The number of complaints about fares alone doubled in the past year. A spokeswoman for the airline industry group Airlines for American said, “despite the increase in complaints, the total number of complaints remains low relative to the number of air passengers.” (ADN 2/20/16)

This poor, delusional woman seems to think that the number of complaints in some way relates to general consumer satisfaction with air travel. Let me assure her that it doesn’t. Go to any airport in this country

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Here’s the choices

We could have the first Jewish president.

Or we could have the first female president.

Or we could have the first biggest jerk in America who caters to our basest instincts as president.

Doesn’t seem like all that hard of a choice. 

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I was so excited

For one brief moment yesterday it was snowing here and actually starting to look like an Anchorage winter. Then everything melted before I could even enjoy the wetness. And now we’re back to brown, ugly and icy. Let this winter end since it clearly has no idea how to be a winter.

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Columns 2016

Where’s the snow?

Alaskans like to whine sometimes, but not always about things you’d expect them to whine about. Our whining tends to make people from the lower 48 stare at us in stunned disbelief. Yes, Donald Trump is annoying. Yes, the fact that our legislators think there is still something to be debated about the Taj Mahawker is annoying. Yes, the fact that Marco Rubio sounds like a bad R2D2 reboot is annoying. But what is most annoying this winter to Anchorites, what they are whining most about, is that it is winter and there is no snow. None. Nada. Barely a

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If you were Ted Cruz’s kid

Would you let him kiss you or would you scream OUCH like his daughter did when he tried to kiss her goodbye? I think the man is a nasty freak and don’t blame his daughter for screaming. She is old enough to realize she shares his genes. That has to be both a scary and sobering thought.

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Vegas redux

So I lost my shirt at the penny slots… and trust me, no one wants to see me without my shirt. Even I don’t look in the mirror until I’m dressed. But I spent three days with three special ladies who made it wonderful no matter what the cost. And I don’t plan to look at my credit card for a long time to come so I don’t have to figure that cost out.

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My mother taught me to never speak ill of the dead. So I find there is nothing I can say about Scalia except I sure wish it had been a different Italian who was the first to make it to the Supreme Court.

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Vegas has once again disappointed me. Guess I’ll just have to come back next year and hope the penny slots are nicer to me because at this rate, I can’t fully retire until I’m 90.

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