Columns 2016

If it walks like a duck and looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

Remember that old adage, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, there is a strong possibility that it IS a duck. You don’t need science or complicated mathematical analysis to figure that out. Most of us are mere common folk who do not wander the hallowed halls of Juneau pretending to some superior ability to complicate things that should be simple. We prefer the old KISS formula. Keep it simple, stupid.

All this comes to mind as I read the dueling reports coming out of Juneau over the relative merits of moving

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Not yet…

Seem to be having a bit of a problem securing my financial future through those damn penny slots. They keep taking my money instead of giving me extra back.

But… today two of the most wonderful young ladies in the whole world… and the mom who helped make them that way… are joining me. So life is good.

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Vegas baby!

Off for my annual girls’ week in Vegas. Planning to once again secure my financial future via the penny slots.

Hey! It’s bound to work one of these years.

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Little boys

Joe came over to bring me flowers for my birthday with his mom. I finally remembered to return a little car that he’d left at my house a few years ago and I had carefully saved for him. He and his mom visited for about 30 minutes during which time we were only in my living room and office. And yet, when he was leaving, he couldn’t find the car. Neither could we. How do little boys do that? I swear it just de-materialized in his hand. And I also know that I will not find it again until I

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Sarah’s speech writers?

SARAHPAC, our very own half governor’s fund to keep her “relevant “, paid out $66,000 last year for speech writers. I have only two things to say about that. One, Sarah has speech writers? And two, I want some of whatever those speech writers are using when they crafts her speeches. That must be some very special stuff.

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Columns 2016

Nuns were once “other” too

My maternal grandparents were married on the same date that would, years later, become my birthday. Given that I am the grandchild of immigrants with no connection to the families left behind in Italy, any little piece of information like this is another thread tying me to people I never really knew.

My grandparents emigrated a little over 100 years ago. They came to America with no money, no English and limited skills. The only things they had was their traditions and the hope that this new life would be better for their children than what they’d left behind. Three

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I can say it now

Yesterday was my birthday. I am now officially at a point where I can sincerely regret not taking better care of myself. I never really thought I’d ever get this old. I was never going to trust anyone over 30. And I was certainly never going to be over 40. Damn!

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I know they love me but…

I know they love me and want to be close to me. They are wonderful dogs. But I am having serious claustrophobia issues in bed at night. They get so close on either side that I risk crushing them if I turn over. Getting up to pee in the middle of the night means waking completely up so I can carefully extricate myself and not accidentally toss one of them to the floor trying to get out of bed. I bought a queen size bed thinking it would solve the problem but all it’s done is given me acres of

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Why or why?

Reality TV with people who should not be on public view ever

Presidential candidates who embody the worse of the lowest form of Americans

Snow in New York City but not Anchorage

The price of oil below $30 a barrel

What the hell is happening to us?

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