
Fran and Kim


Fran had a surprise visitor this week. She sends her love to all her friends in Barrow, Alaska, the lower 48 and… knowing Fran… probably the world!

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Columns 2015

The politics of spite

In case you are wondering, what you’ve been observing on a national level the past six years is the politics of spite. Republicans announced at the beginning of Obama’s first term that their sole objective was to make his presidency a failure and they have worked to accomplish just that while failing to actually contribute to our country’s welfare. Now it seems as though our Republican legislature has decided to emulate their national brethren. With the announcement of the lawsuit against Governor Walker for expanding Medicaid, I fear we have heard the opening salvo of four years of spite politics

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pictures, Scribblings

My little sister turns 60 today


Her name is Judy Sereni and if you see her, be gentle. Getting older isn’t easy for any of us but she was always the kid in the family so this marks a turning point that none of us want to face… though, as you can see from this picture, she’s not going down into old age without a fight.

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pictures, Scribblings

Abdul is king!


Usually when I clean bird cages, I put the dogs in my office so they and the birds don’t tangle. The other day I was doing the cages but for some reason forgot to put the dogs away. I was halfway through Abdul’s cage when I was distracted and stepped out onto my porch for a few minutes. When I got back, I noticed two things. One, Abdul was not in his cage and two, the dogs were freaking out. That’s when I saw Abdul standing on the first stair leading to the second floor where the dogs’ food, to

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I’ll let you in on the secret

When you have to call Apple Care for tech support, start off with this statement, “I’m 68 years old and think these things work on magic. I don’t remember half of my passwords and I’m afraid of hitting the Settings button”. The young person on the other end of the phone immediately starts to speak much slower and in actual English as opposed to using those computer terms that still confuse me.

Try it. It works… as does my iPad again.

Thanks Apple Care.

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Two dogs and two pieces of cheese


So I made a grilled cheese sandwich. Since I’m fairly fanatical that the cheese has to perfectly fit the shape of the bread, I end up with small pieces of cheese that I tear off to create the right shape. Tossed the cheese pieces to the dogs. Each got two pieces. Snowy, aka Tub of Lard, snarfed his up before Carm could even get to his two pieces. When Carm got to his cheese, he sniffed it suspiciously and then backed away and stared at it. I’m not sure what he thought it was but he was definitely not interested

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