
Baby bird season is here

Bird TLC already has its first clutch of mallard babies. This is pretty early but given the mild winter not surprising.

Please be careful if you plan to cut any trees down. Check for nests first. The birds don’t ask for a lot of time to raise their young. If you can hold off on a nest with a tree for just a little times, the babes will fly off on their own soon enough. Unlike millennials, they aren’t allowed to remain in the nest for long at all.

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I’m officially annoyed

I’m officially as annoyed with Bernie Sanders and his campaign as possible. I am sick and tired of all the posts from Alaskans for Bernie Sanders that keep showing up in my email. Every time I block one, they use someone else’s name to still get to me. I’m tired or being badgered. I’m tired of him lecturing me. If I wanted to listen to an old man kvetch, I could just go to a family dinner. He and his badgering campaign have officially and completely pushed me into Hillary’s camp.

And if anyone has the secret to stop those

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pictures, Scribblings

As if his own insanity weren’t enough

Donald Trump now has Sarah Palin threatening Paul Ryan over his non-support of Trump. The crazy has the crazier making totally insane comments. Yep, we’ve been swallowed up by a black hole of ignorance and insanity. And I say that with all due respect to those people with mental illnesses, most of whom are more capable than either Donald or Sarah to run this country.

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My website will soon be gravitating elsewhere. I’ll let you know as soon as I know if there is anything you need to do. You may just come here one day and find it has been refreshed and upgraded and you never noticed a blip. That’s not my usual luck but I can always hope.

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Columns 2016

How will they enforce this law?

As the debate over the use of bathrooms by transgendered people continues on in its idiocy, I have one question. How do they plan to enforce laws requiring you to use the bathroom connected to your sex organs at birth? 

Will everyone entering or leaving a bathroom be x-rayed to make sure they have the proper parts? Or will a security guard grope us all to ascertain we have the right equipment for the bathroom we are trying to enter? And if a transgendered person has had reconstructive surgery, how will the bathroom police differentiate them from someone born with those sex organs?


These new laws

Ever wonder how they plan to enforce the rules on using bathrooms based on the sex with which you were born? Check out my column today in the Alaska Dispatch News or my posting tomorrow for the answer.

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Who makes your skin crawl more?

I can’t decide who would make me throw up quicker if I were forced to have sex with him… Ted Cruz, Donald Trump or Bill Clinton.  It’s a true toss up. Though just seeing Trump and Cruz makes me throw up in my mouth a little so they definitely have the advantage here.

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See through dresses

Aside from the fact that I was never in shape to wear a see through dress, I have to say that I find them distinctly unattractive. If you are going to go naked, then just go naked. Throwing some gauzy number over your body while taping your boobs to strategically placed dots on the gauze just looks stupid.

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