
If for no other reason

Having survived another full day of travel back to Alaska from the East Coast, I can only say that no matter what you think of our senators and representative in DC, you have to give them credit for having butts of steel for making that trip more than once a year without needing to be tranquillized… or maybe they are? All I know is that every time the safety announcement tells me that my seat cushion can be used as a floatation device, I simply want to scream, “Are you shittin’ me? This pillow that’s so hard on my butt I feel like I’m sitting on steel? That’s going to float? No, if I put my hands through those straps and hold on, I’ll plunge to the bottom of the sea like a meteor falling from space.”

Sigh… I think I need to have a cup of tea and rest quietly until my normal good humor returns…..