In retrospect, don’t the lyrics to that old song, “Walk Away Little Girl” seem a bit creepy? Continue reading →
Here’s a truth
The literate man who brags he does not read is way dumber than the illiterate man who wishes he could. Continue reading →
Needed: Dried, dead mosquitoes
Do you have a mosquito trap in your yard in Anchorage? If so, Bird TLC is in desperate need of mosquitoes for some of the baby birds we care for this time of year. So don’t throw all the dried mosquitoes out. Bring them to Bird TLC at 7800 King Street. It’s the circle of life! Continue reading →
Two days to go
I will revel in the peace and quiet of the weekend knowing that on Monday The Family descends on me for a week. My house if clean, my fence is straight, my porch has flowers and my refrigerator has milk for the boys.
Come on in, Mushovics! My home is anxiously awaiting you. Continue reading →
As if his own insanity weren’t enough
Donald Trump now has Sarah Palin threatening Paul Ryan over his non-support of Trump. The crazy has the crazier making totally insane comments. Yep, we’ve been swallowed up by a black hole of ignorance and insanity. And I say that with all due respect to those people with mental illnesses, most of whom are more capable than either Donald or Sarah to run this country.
In remembrance of years past

My brother and I in various stages of childhood. The years do fly by. Seems like it will be forever before you hit 18. And then it seems like the blink of an eye and you’re almost 70.
Here’s how you know your dog’s plush toy needs to be washed…
While you are in the laundry room getting ready to do a load of wash, your dog brings his plush toy in and lays it at your feet, then sits back and stares at you.
Our greatness is our unity
This column’s deadline is before the results of yesterday’s primary are announced. So congrats to the winners, better luck next time to the runners-up and to the rest of Alaska, enjoy the brief twenty minutes of silence we will have before the onslaught of political noise leading up to the general election.
Given how diverse a country we are, that we can come together to vote on issues and then, for the most part, live with the results no matter how mad they make us, is amazing. If you travel through America at all, you quickly come to realize that
Thanks to all who voted yesterday
And to all who didn’t… if I hear one word of complaint out of you about how things are going, I will swiftly kick you in the ass. Either get involved with democracy by voting or shut up and live with the results you let others create.