If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, then my poor Carm has got a real problem. Every night he picks up his Santa and carries him all around the living room and bedroom. He checks out every nook and cranny in the vain hope that since the last time he looked, a secret hiding hole has appeared into which he can dump Santa for safety. But alas… no matter how many nights he minutely inspects every possible angle and aspect of the rooms, he finds that nothing has changed and he is stuck trying to sleep with Santa firmly clenched between his teeth. It must truly be a great burden to be responsible for something so important. It’s a wonder every day doesn’t find him more exhausted than the last.
I have only one real question here. How come the same Santa that last night was as sacred as a god and to be kept safe and secure from all heathens (meaning me and BuddhaBubba) at all times is, in the bright light of day, left carelessly strewn about on my bed with no worry whatsoever about his safety? Does he only become sacred after sundown?