
Siri and my abdomen… what a twosome

I like to read in bed. But I have bad vision. I need to read on my iPad so I can make the print larger.

I like to play word games in bed.  I can only do this on my iPad.

I like a lot of things I can do with my iPad in bed. But there’s a problem. It’s called my midriff. Apparently, what is left of the fat of my youth has settled in my midriff. The doctors say this is normal. It’s like the Florida of your body. It’s where the fat goes when it retires from Continue reading →


When memories die

So, I’ve recently turned another year older. I won’t say how old. I’ll just say that the phrase “older than dirt’ now applies to me.

I lost a lot of people I cared for over the past three or four months. I guess that’s what happens when you live longer than you thought you would. Those people were a major part of my youth – my childhood and my young adulthood. It’s hard to see them go for a lot of reasons. One of the most difficult for me is that they take my memories with them.

I no longer Continue reading →