
It’s up to them now

This does not feel like my America. At least, not like the America I was raised to believe in. And yet, it is all of us, the Boomers, their children, and grandchildren who have voted to create this America.

If we didn’t raise our children and grandchildren to know any better, that’s on us.

But now the Boomers are over. Or we should be. We were supposed to be the generation that brought love and kindness to society. Acceptance and comradery.

Not only did we blow that big time, as a parting gift to all, we have given America its first felon president who assaults women and brags about it.

You’re welcome, America. Now aren’t you glad that we are dying out?

As for the future, it’s no longer up to the Boomers. Now it’s up to the following generations. The future is theirs. They will have to decide what it is about America that they have lost. They will have to decide if what is lost matters to them. They will need to figure out what they think is special about America and what makes them proud to be an American. And then, if the current administration allows it, future generations will get to vote in the people who will make their vision come true.

And once again let me emphatically state that if our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren don’t understand what it was that once made us proud to be Americans, that’s on us.

As for me, I have never wished so much to be Canadian.

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