Am I just too dumb to live or do other people need a cheat sheet to follow CSI? Why is it that every time they have an “AHA!” moment, I’m having a “WHAT THE…???” moment?
An Anchorage summer
It’s rainy and cold. I’ve actually had to turn the heat on at least once a day because the downstairs birds have their little parkas on which I take as a hint that they’re cold. This is the coldest summer I’ve encountered since I moved here. Much more of what I was looking for than those wimp warm summers of the past few years. Of course, when my sister and her friends arrive, they might have a different attitude about that.
Meanwhile, will the person who put all the halibut in my freezer while I was out please identify themselves.
My personal war on poverty
I like to think of myself as a normally upbeat person. Every time I say this to anyone who knows me, I am greeted by hysterical laughter followed by the words, “Oh, I’m sorry. You were serious, weren’t you?”
I say there is ample reason in this life to occasionally be less than upbeat about the ways of the world. I’m not referring to the war in Iraq, the war on terror, the war on drugs or the war on family values. I’m referring to a war much closer to my heart – my daily war on poverty in my
The bad news and good news
The bad news is that Mr. T is really quite senile. The good news is that because of the senility he never did realize I was gone for a week. He just thought he’d had a very long nap.
Latte Heaven
No one, absolutely no one, can make lattes like we get here in Alaska at every roadside stand in town. Even the worse beat the best that Starbucks can do. Starbucks is the McDonald’s fast food of coffee compared to the gourmet delights we drive up to every day. After a week spent in Southern California looking for even one latte that is anywhere as good as my sugar free White Chocolate Wedding Cake from Cafe Loco, I find myself longing for tomorrow to come so I can return there and finally get a really good cup of coffee.
Another full day on airplanes
Do I really need to say anything else?
The graduations are all complete now
Nick graduated from high school. Megan graduated from high school. Jessica graduated from college. And Emily is trying to move home.. Damn. Janis was soooooooo close to being free.
As always
After a week away from my home and animals, I forget how slow Mr. T moves when I want him to move fast and I forget how loud Amazon parrots especially are this time of the year in Alaska and I mostly remember how much I love and miss them and how ready I am to go home to see them again. That should last until the first screaming match between Captain and Abdul.
On to college graduation
The middle one graduates from college today. The oldest one, my godchild, the one who lights my heart and soul so easily, is here to cheer her sisters on. Just seeing these three wonderful young ladies together tells me that one, their mom did one helluva job raising them and two…ok, ok, dad helped but mostly three, the world will be in good hands.
Graduations continue
The last of my Mushovic girls graduates from high school and suddenly that day that her mom and I thought was so impossibly far away as to not be real, had raced up and bit us in the butt. Now comes the fun part. Paying for college.