
A nation of guns

I recently ranted on my podcast about guns, abortions, and transgender youth. Given that I started the podcast as a kind of cathartic remembering of my life and its strange turns, this was a new topic for sure. But I felt as though I would explode if I didn’t do it because my anger had reached a level where choking on those words might have caused me to stroke out. And my doctors wouldn’t want that to happen. So, here’s the basic question that is choking me because no one seems to be able to give me a good answer. Continue reading →


Happy 420!!!

This is for all the potheads in the world. May you someday rule in peace and comfort with munchies to spare.

As someone who doesn’t like wine, beer or any spirits except for a margarita, pot has been my friend for over fifty years. Kept me smiling and laughing through a lot of things that would otherwise have had me crying and screaming.

Thank you to everyone who fought to make pot legal. It’s the right thing to do.

Elise Continue reading →


Religion and greed – Alaska’s new motto

In 1987, the movie Wall Street introduced us to the phrase, so memorably uttered by Michael Douglas, “Greed is good”. I find myself wondering if that phrase was first heard by the screenwriter in Alaska because Alaska sure seems to have greed down pat.

We currently have a university that is barely hanging on, a school system that struggles to stay open every day, an economy so old and stagnant that young people can think of nothing they want more than to leave, and a bunch of old timers wondering what happened to the Alaska they first found when they Continue reading →