
Hide your women and children

The Alaska Legislators are in town. Hide. Hide now before they accidentally infect you with whatever disease causes such a gross level of incompetence in adults. Given how quickly it spread to every Republican in the Legislature, it is clearly contagious and fatal to any common sense or intelligence in your body.

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Columns 2015

To Alaska’s Republican legislators… welcome to 1950.

Since this coming Sunday is Mother’s Day, I thought I should write a column about that and take a break from writing about our incompetent, pathetic legislature. But it’s not easy. No matter how hard I try, they keep handing me ammunition that is impossible to ignore. Let’s take, for instance, the two-week break that Republican legislators felt they owed themselves for the backbreaking labor they’ve been doing for the past three months.

A lot of people who work very hard to make ends meet don’t get any vacation time at all no matter how long they work. Many of

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Columns 2015

The dart’s removed and the mallard will be released!

From Bird TLC… this is about the mallard found with the dart in his neck.

We will be releasing the Mallard at Westchester Lagoon tomorrow (May 7) at 10:30am weather permitting. It is a public release and if you are available, we’d love to have you join us. What a lucky duck! The dart was easily removed, wounds have healed great, he received a partial bath to ensure waterproofing on his neck and he is good to go! Hope to see you all there!

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Columns 2015

I can take deep breaths again

Congratulations to our newly elected city mayor Ethan Berkowitz. In my heart I kinda knew he couldn’t lose but… as that great man once said, never underestimate the stupidity of the American voting public. So until the votes were counted and I was sure Amy wasn’t going to win, my stomach was in great upheaval. But now I know I don’t have to leave the state. There are enough people here who feel as I do about education and equality and health care to make Alaska the great state it should always be and to make Anchorage the great city

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Most people have to work a full year…

Most people have to work a full year before getting a vacation. Alaska’s Republican legislators worked three months… and I use the word “worked) with extreme irony… and have had to take a two week vacation to get over their exhaustion from such hard labor.

What asses.

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The Pope and women

So the Pope thinks that women should get equal pay and be treated equally. Isn’t this a bit hypocritical coming from a man who heads a church that has denied women equality for over 2000 years?

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What the hell?

In a little over one week, my hot water heater blew up, my cable box on my tv died and my toilet flusher thingy gave up the ghost.  Hello out there? Who put a curse on me?

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Here’s how you know you’re old

You are watching a TV show about transgender issues with two transgender panelists and the discussion ranges over just about every area you can imagine given the topic, and you are old enough to remember when Rob and Laura couldn’t sleep in the same bed on TV even though they were married.

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Columns 2015

Throw the bums out!

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen something as pathetic as our esteemed leaders in Juneau begging the press corps to carry their message to Alaskans that there just isn’t enough money in the budget for frivolities like education or health care. There is obviously enough money for the really important things like Knik Arms Bridge but not to expand Medicaid to those people so silly as to have been born poor.

I have restrained myself from advocating for any specific program threatened with cuts because I believe that if these programs are important enough to Alaskans, then Alaskans

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