
You would think they’d just heard the world was ending

I have birds that are, by any standards, living a very good life. They get fresh food, water and veggies every day. They are in clean, spacious cages with access to big picture windows yet each has a corner to which they can retreat if something seems scary. I work out of my home which means I am here with them all day. The TV or radio is always on for their amusement.

Yet when I ask them to spend one day in a different room in a smaller cage so they are not affected by paint smells, they act

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I would have never thought

I have furniture to give away to charity… furniture in good shape and very usable… and I have now spent two weeks trying to find someone other than the Salvation Army to give it to with no luck. I never thought it would be so hard to give something away. And until the Salvation Army accepts gays as full human beings worthy of full respect and equal hiring opportunities, they won’t be getting this stuff. I’d bring it to the dump first.

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Assassins have a long, dishonorable history in America

It’s been a rough week for America. We sometimes get so caught up in our passion over our country and the direction we think it should take that our language gets away from us. Then tragedy strikes and we are overcome with a wave of remorse for anything we may have said or done to imply to anyone that this kind of action is acceptable in America as a solution to the issues that divide us.

There is a lot of anger welling up against the Tea Party in general and Sarah Palin in particular. I think we need to

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Another down side

Apparently intense pain coupled with heavy duty pain killers destroys any and all of the little creativity I might have once had. Tomorrow’s column should be very interesting. Let’s see if I can NOT write about how miserable I still feel. 

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If you ever want to know real pain…

you can do one of two things. Stick your hand in boiling water or get a bacterial infection in the right something something sinus on your face and ignore it for three days on the assumption it will get better all by itself. It won’t. And by the third day, I’d have told the Nazis anything they wanted.

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for Peter, Blondie’s favorite vet… no really….


I don’t want to gross anyone out with these pictures but I have tried and tried to send them to Blondie’s doc with no success. His e-mail simply doesn’t like me.

So I’m posting them here so he can take a look. And rest assured, Blondie is not only in no pain from this crater that swallowed Indiana, but she seems to think it makes her that much more attractive. Ah vanity…thy name is woman.

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Duvet cover, part deux

I bring home a red duvet cover for my master bedroom. I remove the old one and stuff the quilt into the new one. I make the bed and realize I can’t find the pillow cases (shams?) for the totally useless pillows you put on top of the duvet when you make the bed. I search the entire house, retrace every step I’ve taken, sure that I just accidentally put them down somewhere due to the extreme sinus infection I am now admitting has me in its grip.

But no. No shams.

Then I remember that I might have opened

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Duvet update

Well, it turns out that duvet I wanted to order… that one that cost $68 and showed a shipping cost of $110… was not from an American company but from a Chinese company. I found this out when I received a response that was very short and in very stilted English… but then, I probably couldn’t even do minimally stilted Chinese so I have no room to talk on that count.  At any rate, the message said to go and order that the problem was handled. I was a bit skeptical but went back to the website and ordered the

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Just when you think the world has gone completely insane

It used to be that when you lost a pet, you kind of kept your grieving private for fear people would think you were silly to be crying over a dog or cat or snake or fish… But now our world understands how precious these creatures are in our life. They bring love and singleminded devotion on an amazing level to us. Offering condolences and understanding the loneliness and pain that accompanies the loss of a companion animal is now openly acknowledged.

And that’s what gives me hope for this crazy world. Despite all the ugliness that sometimes invades our

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Ah! Alaska!

You’d think what with Sarah Palin and all that the rest of the country would now understand that we aren’t located west of nowhere or east of the moon and that shipping things here is almost the same as shipping things to any other state in America… except, of course, for Hawaii which has that whole ocean thing going for it.

But no, apparently our gal, temporary Sal is not enough to convince people we exist in the real world… well, having written that sentence I can now see why they still might not believe we are in the real

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