
Raptor Walk

Come one, come all to Kincaid Park from 1 to 3 today for the Raptor Walk. I’ll be there sitting as close as permitted to Denali, the most gorgeous golden eagle ever born… ok, Denali told me to say that but who am I to argue with him.

Anyhow, come on down and get to see some of the most magnificent raptors from the skies of Alaska up close and personal.

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Is it sad….

… or just pathetic that I know – and can perform – the dance done by the cartoon characters to the theme music of The Nanny at the beginning of each episode?

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Let’s not ever forget what they gave

I am an unabashed devotee of the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. Given the general tenor of the news nowadays, I figure why not get it with a bite of humor. At least it keeps me from wanting to run around my house screaming wordlessly at the top of my lungs.

Last week, the Colbert Report did two shows dedicated solely to troops returning from Iraq. The title, “Been There – Won That. The Amerification of the Ameri-Can-Do Troopscape”, belied the fact that the show had moments of exquisite poignancy and emotion.  The title also reminded me why his

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I don’t know about you but..

… I’m planning on getting cremated in the hope that if I need a body in the afterlife, god will give me a new one. Cause I’m honestly not so thrilled with the one I have that I’d want to spend eternity with it.

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Ah, election season

It has barely begun and I am already getting an average of three poll calls a week. And so far, almost every one of them is a push poll.

God this is going to be a long fall….

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It’s hard to believe they aren’t laughing behind my back.

I got my wonderful girls, Blue and Blondie, as older dogs with health problems. Since they moved to my home in 2006, the aging process has added difficulties with their back legs to the mix. No problem, I thought, as I cheerfully plunked down more money than I’m willing to admit on stairs they could use to climb into bed or into the car.  They didn’t like the stairs and reacted towards approaching them as they would if I were leading them to the guillotine.  So when a friend offered her stairs which her dog wouldn’t use but which were

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The joy of geriatric dogs

Geriatric dogs are quite a challenge… especially when they give you that big brown eyed sad gaze because they can’t get in the car on their own and getting in a car and going for a drive is like their third favorite thing in the whole world next to real meat in their dinner dish and walks. I may die broke but when I cross that Rainbow Bridge I will find myself rich with loving, furry and feathered friends. What more could I want?

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As we remember today…

… a date in which hate and intolerance created unspeakable horror and devastation, let’s hope it rains all over that asshole in Florida who plans to burn Korans, thus perpetuating the intolerance and hate that is at the root of so much of this world’s grief… and if god also wanted to send a lightning bolt to hit this idiot in the head… oh wait, that could be considered intolerance, couldn’t it? Yet if god does it, won’t it be considered just? Isn’t that how so many extremists try to get away with acts of hate?  Blame it on god.

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What happens when you don’t vote

What is wrong with us? Our soldiers fight a war half a world away so that people in a country most of us have never even visited can have the privilege of voting for their leaders. But here in the good old US of A, it seems as though we could care less about the right to vote that so many patriots once died to ensure.

While talking heads and pundits ponder the meaning of our latest primary results and discuss the confluence of certain issues and the way one candidate ran a campaign versus another, the truth of the

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