
It’s not as bad as CaCa

My godchild’s three year old insisted on calling me UncleEese. Either we really were unable to teach him that aunt was for ladies and uncle was for men OR I’ve finally gotten so old that all secondary sexual characteristics have been totally obliterated.

On the other hand, at least it’s better than his nickname for his aunt whose name he can’t quite pronounce and so she has become… now and forever as far as I’m concerned… CaCa.

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It just seemed odd

There I was, walking down the strip opposite the Bellaggio in Vegas. The fountains were spurting as a woman sang what was admittedly a beautiful version of the Star Spangled Banner.  As she reached the high notes and the rockets red glare, the fountain spouted gushers higher than one would have thought possible. The whole show was obviously designed to cause you to gasp and remember anew why you loved America. 

Except it was hard to reconcile that patriotic fervor with the men on the corners handing out cards for strip clubs that boasted the most beautiful naked ladies in

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Nipples, nipples everywhere and not a drop to drink

I was in the elevator at my hotel in Vegas. It was during those awkward few moments when it’s just you and one other person, in this case a man, on the elevator and you are trying to pretend to casual nonchalance. I glanced to my left where a poster hung touting a show.  I thought I could pretend interest in it until we hit the lobby floor.  Then I realized I was staring at the dancer’s nipples, carefully encircled with glittering diamond-like jewels and held perkily up by the contraption holding the jewels and aspiring to be some sort

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Yes, you can

Yes, it is entirely possible that if you try hard enough, you can make that penny slot machine take back every cent it gave you. The key to success is to just never give up… and I’m guessing that’s also the key to casino profits.

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Helping the homeless is not always easy or popular

It’s pretty easy when confronted with some of the homeless in our town to forget that once they were children with hopes and dreams that probably didn’t include addictions or homelessness. Then you read about a vet whose belongings were dumped by the city because he didn’t move them fast enough. You can no longer ignore our common humanity when that vet says one of the things he lost was a checkerboard from his childhood that his father had carved from spruce.

The homeless are not unlike you and me except for some really bad luck or some really bad

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This is called parenting

I was at the grocery store the other day. A mother was there with two young children, a boy about 5 and a girl about 7. The boy wanted something. I couldn’t hear what. But I did very clearly hear his mother say that they had already discussed this and he knew the answer was no. Since I was pushing my cart down the aisle behind them, I could hear the little boy arguing the point. Mom remained firm. The young boy then chose to throw a full blown, loud, screaming hissy fit. Mom looked at him for a moment,

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People watching in Vegas

My sister spends the day working, leaving me alone to amuse myself in Vegas. And here’s the thing.  Vegas can be endlessly amusing at absolutely no cost. Grab a complimentary coffee while pretending to play the penny slot machines and then wander outside and sit. That’s all it takes. The world passes before you. And what a bizarre world it is.

Sometimes it seems as though we forget that despite all the political and religious differences that divide us, what really unites us is how we aren’t really anything like the people who seem to inhabit Las Vegas in every

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Guilt, as always, the gift that keeps on giving

As I prepare to leave town for a few days, my dogs’ anxiety rises exponentially to the amount of departure activity in which I engage. First there is the strange person who shows up to learn how to feed and medicate them. Then there is the appearance of the suitcase. Then there is mom’s mournful moping through the house while apologizing to the birds for leaving them for a week. It is all topped off by mom letting the dogs have way more treats than could ever possibly be healthy for them.

That’s the way it is in my home

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