

My respect for my dog Blue grows with each passing day. Having reached an age with her illnesses where too much movement is difficult for her – her back legs don’t work well, her eyes are clouded with cataracts – she calmly surveyed the situation and decided that the best solution was to camp out next to Abdul’s cage where, at any given moment, food might fall from above.

So Blue’s life now consists of lying right next to the cage, periodically lifting her head from her nap to take a sniff at the bottom of the cage next to

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Another moment brought to you by Alaska

I was at the end of my walk, trudging up my driveway, dogs by my side, totally lost in a daydream in which I marry a very rich man who takes me away from it all… whatever all might be… when I realize my dogs have stopped dead in their tracks and I’m having to drag them. I know it’s not because they don’t want the walk to end. They are happy at the end of the walk because that means their treats are soon to come. So I stop daydreaming long enough to long around at what might be

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Sometimes you don’t really appreciate what you have until you lose it. Phoenix, our little baby osprey who managed to survive a fire that destroyed his nest and brought joy and laughter to all who knew him, died unexpectedly and suddenly this week. We still don’t know why. I suspect that god decided she needed more beauty and joy in heaven and so took Phoenix.  We will all miss him more than words can say.

Fly free with the wind, Phoenix. And don’t forget those of us who cut up smelly fish for you during your short and brilliantly lovely

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I’m ready now


There is nothing that plunger can bring up from that toilet that I might have (accidentally, of course) put down there that can touch me now. I just hope grandpa doesn’t need this back… ever.

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Corporations are NOT people

Why is it that I feel so much better about life when neither the state nor federal legislature is in session?  This question kept swirling through my head as I watched my dog adrift in a fog of painkillers with an anesthesia hang over from some minor surgery. She had that look on her face that clearly said all was quite wonderful in her world. In fact, if a dog’s lips could actually form a grin, she was grinning from ear to ear.

But I wasn’t. At a time when I’m already feeling as though there is no one representing

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I still don’t like cell phones

As I frequently tell people who call me at home and are forced to be so old fashioned as to actually leave a message because I have neither voice mail nor caller ID… I like my world. On a good day, I couldn’t care less that I even have a phone. Often, I’m here and I don’t answer. And I think to myself, am I the only person left in the world who can let a phone ring and not really give a damn? The answer is no, my brother is the other person.

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