
Dear god, please…

… let the weather in Dutch Harbor be good so that planes can get out and my friend Janis can get in to Anchorage.  I’d hate to think of her trying to run all the way from Dutch to here. She hasn’t done marathons in years. I don’t think she’d make it.

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Is it just me?

Or does it seem that life only has two speeds anymore… I’m either relaxed with just a few projects in front of me or I am at full speed with the dogs biting my butt. Why can’t I ever find the happy middle? Oh well, it’s Saturday and I don’t have to care until Monday… oh yeah, I guess I have to come up with a column idea by then. Damn. There goes the relaxing weekend.

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Absence makes the heart grow fonder

I can be gone for one day or three days or three weeks and the reaction is the same. My dogs superglue themselves to my legs when I return and I risk broken limbs falling over them every time I move. Not only won’t they leave me, they sit in front of me staring while I work as though they are afraid if they blink, I’ll be gone again. They really need to get a life.

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Columns 2009

Dutch Harbor

So here’s the thing. You may be able to see Russia from Wasilla, but you really can’t see Alaska from Anchorage. This is not to disparage the beauty that surrounds Anchorage. Or to take a cheap shot at the ugliness that pervades so much of our fair city due to the absence of any credible attempt to keep strip malls and tire shops and residential neighborhoods and dump sites (which some may call their front yard) from co-existing in uneasy harmony. No, this is to say more about how vast, beautiful and wonderful our state is and how easy it

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I’m back!

Dutch Harbor is a great place to visit. But after two days of no planes and trying to get out to meet some obligations here in Anchorage, I have to say I am thrilled to be home… even though I didn’t get in until midnight last night and, as everyone knows who knows me, my brain turns mushy sometime after 9 PM. The dogs and birds were appropriately happy to see me, though Blue spent most of her time standing in front of the treat drawer and trying to look pathetic.

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What has Levi Johnston done to deserve one iota of media attention except for accidentally knocking up a 17 year old girl? And why do I have to see his face staring out at me from supposedly serious publications. Dear lord, make it stop!

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Hunker down, Anchorage

The legislature meets today in Anchorage. Parents – keep your children safe and far away from the often absurd and insane sight of democracy in action so that they will still have some desire to participate when they grow up and are old enough to better understand that as insane as this process is, it beats the alternative.

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Give credit where credit is due

Having said what I did about Bill Clinton yesterday.. and feeling no compunction to take any of it back… I do feel that it must be pointed out that he and his wife somehow raised a wonderful young lady who got through adolescence without wild partying, drunken photographs in People magazine, or a pregnancy and is now an employed adult in a serious, monogamous relationship. There are more than a few of the Moral Majority who might take a serious look at how that’s done because they don’t seem to know how to do it.

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Bill Clinton

I know Bill Clinton did a good thing rescuing those reporters from North Korea. So why do I just feel all queasy and icky at the thought of them alone on that plane with him all the way back from North Korea? Why do I feel queasy about him being near any young, attractive lady?

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Friends of JC Penny’s?

According to Facebook, about 10,000 people are friends of JC Penny’s.  First of all, how the hell can you be friends with a store? How do you know which of the many stores is actually YOUR friend? And how desperate do you have to be to sign up to be a store’s friend? Are you afraid of being rejected by friends who can actually hit the “ignore” button on your friend request? Come on, people. Let’s look for at least some minimum standards in our friends… like they should be breathing… have a heartbeat… at some point have actually be

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