
Where is the middle ground

First we have so much sun that my yard threatened to dry up and blow away like the midwest in the 30’s.  Now we have so much rain that the nice young man who helps with my flowers came by to inform me that an inordinate amount of them had drowned in their pots from too much water.  And we won’t even get into the issue of the raspberries that are sooooooo close to being ripe but can’t quite go that last step without the sun.

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Columns 2009

Forced detox a good start but no solution

Here’s the good news and bad news. The good news is that getting someone off the street and physically separating them from their drug of choice is going to save their life by simply removing their chosen method of death. The bad news is that forced detoxification and treatment programs are not a cure and, for many, the return to their drug of choice will occur before they clear the block the detox center is on.

Addiction is a multifaceted monster that is never totally conquered. The best outcome for any addict is to defeat the monster enough to regain

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Lu Young

Whether you like Don Young or not, and whether Don represents you or not, you have simply got to admire the love and commitment Don and his wife Lu had for each other and the clearly happy and loving relationship they shared for 46 years. I can’t ever imagine Don Young standing up and admitting to having an affair with Lu standing silently by his side, suffering what seems to be the fate of way too many political wives. I can’t imagine this because I can’t imagine Don Young ever doing that to Lu. And because if he even thought

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Can it be true?

Governor Parnell has been in office for over a week and he still hasn’t made the cover of People… what the hell is going on here????

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I really am just pathetic

I leave the TV on to a golden oldies music channel all day for the birds. Since these are tunes I actually recognize, I will periodically stop to sing and dance to the tune with my birds.  Unfortunately, I am so non-rhythmic (is that a word?) and tone deaf that my parrots eventually stop their rhythmic bouncing to the tune to stare at me in total disbelief that I could sound so bad and dance so out of step with the rhythm that I confuse their innate sense of music. Or maybe they are just stunned to think that someone

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I’m so sorry I whined

Ok, OK, stop sending me nasty e-mails. I’m sorry I ever whined about how hot it was and how I wanted some rain so I wouldn’t have to water my lawn. How the hell was I supposed to know that God would take me so seriously. She never has before.

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I don’ t usually beg but…

The wildbird rehab center I volunteer with here in Anchorage is in rough financial waters because of the economic downturn.  We have taken in innumerable orphaned baby birds during this nesting season and seen them through to safe release. We will soon be releasing a loon and, when he’s just a little older and more ready to fend for himself, a sandhill crane that came to us small enough to fit in a basket but then shot up quicker than an NBA player doing a layup. (Wow, did I just use a sports metaphor? Did I use it right? Did

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The bird up my flue

Two days ago, I was up at the crack of dawn because a bird outside my window would not stop screaming. I thought it was a magpie but it was a Stellar Jay, which was odd because they aren’t normally that noisy. Yesterday morning, the damn bird was at it again and I was ready to shoot it.

Then, all day I kept hearing the flue in my chimney banging. I figured it was the wind. But this evening, when I still heard the noise and there was no wind, I thought I should check further.

I carefully opened the

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Columns 2009

Let’s get real about health care coverage

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that health care reform is in trouble.  The insurance industry is a powerful group and very clever at blowing smoke to hide the real issues. For instance, there is a commercial running on TV in which we hear a voice over from a woman purporting to be Canadian. She says she had a brain tumor and, because Canada has government health care coverage, she was told she’d have to wait six months for a medical appointment. So, she intones in a very solemn voice, she came to America and received immediate treatment from the

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