
Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz was on the Daily Show promoting her new movie. She mentioned that while sitting in the waiting room for her call to go on, she was very hungry and the only thing the Daily Show puts out is little bite sized candy bars. Apparently overcome by her hunger, she ate one. She then came on the show and went on at some length about how “buzzed” she was and how she couldn’t ever imagine eating more than one little bar because it got her so “high” and “crazed”.

And I wanted to reach through the TV screen, grab

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Ah, Steven. How you’ve fallen….

Steven Baldwin has left a show titled “I’m a celebrity, get me out of here”. Leaving aside for the moment the obvious issue of the fact that the people on this show barely qualify as human beings, let alone celebrities… or, really, why would they be on the show?… let’s look at Steven Baldwin’s reason for leaving. He’s been bitten by a mosquito that laid eggs in his arm.  Oh how I wish that the reason he was leaving was that he was bitten by an the bug of good taste and self respect instead. But apparently not even the

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It must be summer…

…because the worse TV shows ever are on the tube. I saw an ad for one that apparently involves Donald Trump and the word Raw in the title. NO ONE SHOULD EVER WATCH A TV SHOW WITH DONALD TRUMP IN IT, LET ALONE ONE IN WHICH THE WORD RAW APPEARS IN THE TITLE.  Please, just take my word for this. Even that thing living on his head is keeping its eyes closed during the taping.

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Farrah Fawcett

Farrah Fawcett and I were born on the same day in the same year. I think, all things considered, I will now stop being jealous of her hair… and body… and smile… and teeth… sigh. She’ll still be more beautiful than me in heaven… should I actually ever get there. I wonder if I can request a different quadrant from where she’ll be staying.

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Columns 2009

Dick Cheney… father of the year?

It occurs to me that Father’s Day came and went without any acknowledgement on my part to the many dads I know. This is probably because I have now lost all the dad figures in my life. For the first time ever, I didn’t even have an uncle to call.

So I spent Father’s Day wondering whom I’d call to wish a Happy Father’s Day if I could call anyone I wanted. Much to my horror, the name that kept coming to mind was Dick Cheney.

Yes, that Dick Cheney. The man who seems to exist in a world of

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Why is it?

Why is it that when Christians want to justify hate, they quote everyone but Jesus? They quote the Old Testament, they quote everyone in the New Testament who claims to be speaking for what Jesus wanted. But they can never quite find the Jesus quote that justifies their hate.

Why is that?

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Obama and the fly

I have tried all week to shake the image but I can’t. Am I the only one who was slightly freaked by the intensity of the stare and the movements of our president as he took that fly out? Man, I’d hate to be caught in his crosshairs!

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True Horror

Staring at a blank word document on a computer screen, deadline just hours away, mind as blank as the word doc on the screen.

Oh My God! I’ll never have a creative idea again! The scam is up! It’s over! My mind has finally fallen into the abyss and can think of nothing more than getting back to a game of computer bridge.

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Happy Father’s Day

I work with a lot of really miserable, crappy fathers who do everything from beating their kids to having sex with their daughters. This has made me very conscious of the good fathers in my midst.  There are many of them. They are the ones who do their best to provide for their family, are there for their kids when the need arises and don’t run from their families at the first sign that there might be some rough weather ahead.

And believe it or not, if I had to choose a father of the year for this year, it

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