
Congratulations, Sandra Hopson Stuermer

Wow, look at you. Becoming a grandmother (ok, ok, Aaka) and a college graduate in the same year. You must be something special. Today’s graduation will be more wonderful than anything I can imagine.

Oh, and for those wondering, Aaka is Inupiat for grandmother.

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Just when I thought…

Just when I thought my dogs couldn’t surprise me by doing anything grosser than I’ve seen in forty years of dog ownership… bang… they manage to do just that. While walking Blue and Blondie, Blondie stopped to poop. Blue walked over, sniffed what was coming out of Blondie’s butt and promptly lifted her leg and peed on Blondie’s butt as she pooped.

How very interesting dogs make our lives.

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My new purse

In honor of the anniversary of my mother’s death… a woman who could out shop anyone I know except her daughter Judy… I bought a new purse yesterday.  Now I own two purses if you count the one I’ve carried for five years that I dare not show up East with again for fear my sister will burn it while I sleep.

OK, I’ve got the purse. Now all I have to do is find shoes and one outfit to match it and I’m ready for the family wedding in August. Unless, of course, they relent and give in to

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Columns 2009

What happened to the art of compromise?

It seems as though being a politician in America today means needing a legal defense fund. I’m not sure if that says more about the quality of politician we have representing us, in which case shame on us for electing them, or more about the polarization that has occurred in America’s political discourse.

A couple hundred years ago, a group of men met in Philadelphia for less than four months and, despite wide differences in religion, ethics, philosophy and lifestyles, managed to produce our constitution. They used discretion in expressing these differences, confiding in friends and spouses who understood what

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If it isn’t one thing, it’s another

As dear sweet Emily Litella used to say, if it isn’t one thing, it’s another. If it isn’t bird flu, it swine flu. Poor pigs… just when they were getting a good reputation as the other white meat and people were starting to forget the old image of them wallowing in mud, this comes along. God do they need a good PR person or what?

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Palin legal defense fund

Seems like being a politician in Alaska nowadays automatically calls for a fund to collect donations to pay legal fees. I wonder what that says about the quality of politicians we are blessed with right now? Or maybe it says even more about how sadly polarized our political landscape has become. Instead of any attempts at statesmanship or compromise, we hurl accusations and insults at each other, accuse each other of illegal activities and then we complain that those same politicians aren’t doing their job because they are spending so much time defending themselves. Either they are all really crooked

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Then and now

After winning the Revolutionary War, our forefathers met for not quite four months and came up with the United States Constitution, a document that still shines as a beacon of common sense and decency towards all men. No, it wasn’t perfect. And we should all rightfully be ashamed of some of the compromises done that allowed such horrors as slavery to continue. But for its time and place, it is a work of wonder and genius.  Men coming together from a wide group of disparate areas to create a country. Men who put aside their personal beliefs and differences to

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I guess I have to give credit where credit is due. And Wayne Anthony Ross is due both credit and kudos. I predicted he wouldn’t last six months in the job of Alaska Attorney General before creating such controversy that he would be forced to resign or be fired. But WAR apparently does not like that kind of challenge. He showed me he could create enough controversy after just two weeks on the job, before ever even being confirmed, to get his ass kicked by the august body we call the Alaska Legislature all the way back to Anchorage.


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There was a time…

There was a time, when I was young, that I walked in 30 below weather and reveled in the feel of the cold and the challenge of the environment.

Now I’m freezing when it’s 40 above.

Just another low blow from that nasty bitch, Old Age.

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Thank god for rain

There are some who live in Anchorage who revel in the sunshine. I say to them, go live in Arizona if that’s what you want. Here in Anchorage, we revel in rain. Especially when that rain washes away a winter’s worth of dirt and volcanic ash so I don’t have to do it.  Let it pour!

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