Columns 2009

As Wasilla turns… Alaska’s own soap opera

So there I was the other night, TV turned to some news channel, chopping up veggies and getting food ready for my flock’s evening meal, when an entertainment news show came on. It’s difficult to differentiate between hard news and fluff anymore because they are both often covered by the same news program. But since the name of this offering had the word “showbiz” in it, I was pretty sure I’d no longer be hearing about the aftermath of the Obama administration’s recent overture to Cuba.

Fine, I thought. What’s the harm in a little light news about my favorite

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The problem with the end of the legislative session

As I see it, the problem is that with the end of the session, we no longer have politicians confined to one place where the herd can easily be spotted. Now they are out mingling among us and we have no way of knowing who they are since they blend in so easily… a not unusual problem when your legislature consists, for the most part, of bland looking white men.

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The best of times

In Anchorage, that’s the brief period between the completion of break up and the appearance of the first mosquito. This year, that period seemed to extend for almost ten minutes. Sigh.

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Take her now… please!

Some members of the national GOP are saying that Sarah Palin is one of the party’s standard bearers right now. I think that’s wonderful. In fact, I think it’s so wonderful that I, as an Alaskan, am willing to make the sacrifice of giving her to the national party now as their leader and not making everyone wait until her term in the governor’s office is over. I’m that much of a patriotic American.

Take her, please take her.

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A 98 year old woman was rescued from the rubble of the earthquake in the Abruzzo region of Italy after being buried almost four days. When asked what she did to keep occupied during that time, she said, “I worked. I knitted.” My mother’s family is from that part of Italy. I understood exactly what she meant. My Zeccardi relatives would have done the same thing. I know now where I come from and why, if there was ever a nuclear war, my cousins from that side of the family would emerge from the bomb shelters as soon as the

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Does she really even give a damn?

Am I the only one who gets the feeling that Sarah Palin is only inches away from not even bothering to pretend that she wants to be Alaska’s governor? How else to explain her recent actions except for the headlines they give her with her conservative base. From WAR to resubmitting names that she knows the Dems already rejected, she’s just trying to build a resume that says, “I’m the most conservative person for the job. I appoint AG’s who think gays are degenerates and I don’t let the Dems scare me into capitulating to their demands that I follow

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Happy Birthday, Phil

Happy Birthday to my brother who is now so damned old that even the wooly mammoths stand in awe of his age. Thank god I have not aged as fast as he has. 

Oh, and Lenny Landis, who is also someone envied by the mammoths for remarkable preservation.

And neither of them has gone extinct yet. Thank god.

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Columns 2009

Happy Tax Day

Ah, April 15. Tax day. The day all good Americans get to show their appreciation to their government for all it does for them. Smile as you mail that return. In fact, use little smiley faces on all punctuations that call for a dot on your check. 

This year, perhaps more than most, ordinary Americans have cause to give pause as they mail their return in and wonder which executive at which failed financial institution will be getting that money in their bonus to encourage them to keep up the good work.  Yep, it’s enough to make paying taxes an

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It must be spring

I’ve changed my flannel sheets for regular sheers. Spring has arrived in Alaska. Let the spring snow begin! It doesn’t scare us because we know it will melt quickly and reveal the debris of winter that makes for so much clean up fun.

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He just doesn’t get it

Ted Stevens has filed to run for office in 2014. But not to worry, say his staffers, he’s not really planning to run. He had to file in order to be able to accept more money after the last election ended. I’m sorry, but isn’t that what got him into trouble in the first place. Not only thinking the law wasn’t meant for him but not caring who knew? I mean, if this law is in place, I’m guessing it’s to keep people with no intention of running for public office from collecting money fraudulently. But Ted, he does it

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