
How blessed am I?

My friend Sandra, her husband Harris, their daughter Greta, their grandson Little Joe and I all went to dinner last night to celebrate Sandra’s birthday. As we sat there admiring the perfection of their new grandson, Harris commented on who would have thought back in 1985 when Greta came into their lives that would we ever have a dinner like this so many years later. And I thought about how, when I met her, Sandra was only 14. And when I first met Greta she was one day old. And when I first met Little Joe… well, let’s just say

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Let me see if I have this right?

A supposed Barrow elder was convicted on 14 charges of child sexual assault…9 of them for first degree sexual assault meaning penetration…. one of them for taking a 5 year old’s virginity… and gets 8 years in jail.

Robert Lozano, Sr. tries to sell pot in Barrow and is sentenced to 15 years in federal prison.

Yep. That makes sense to me. I feel much safer with Lozano in jail and that elder out preying on little girls again.

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My prediction

W.A.R. (Wayne Anthony Ross for those of you not from Alaska) will have a short, colorful, and highly controversial reign as Alaska’s AG and then quit or be forced to resign.  Either way, it will make for a very interesting spring and summer.

W.A.R. – he thinks Rush Limbaugh is too liberal.

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Columns 2009

If they can refuse consent, can they also force it?

In Barrow, the prosecuting attorney is thrilled to get a conviction against a man who raped a woman when both had been drinking together. According to this prosecutor, many in Barrow apparently feel the state should not even pursue that as a crime. The prosecutor adds that it’s also hard to sit women on these juries because so many women are victims of sexual abuse themselves. 

In the state legislature, the debate over parental consent for abortion for girls under 18 once again wends its tortured way through both houses of government.  Proponents of this bill have not produced any

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April Fool’s Day in my home

So Blue was acting snarky and trying to steal Blondie’s after walk treat. I separate them by making Blue go in my office and closing the door so Blondie can eat her treat in peace. About twenty minutes later, Blondie has finished her treat and I go down to the office to let Blue out and bring my parrot Abdul in for our afternoon time together. Blue gets up to leave the office and is limping on three legs, her back right leg held completely off the floor. I immediately forget how mad I was at her for trying to

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I don’t understand

Yep, we’re having fun now. We have earthquakes and plagues of mosquitoes and hurricane force winds and hungry bears wandering in the streets and now we have an erupting volcano. I’ll never understand why more people don’t want to live here.

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Only in Alaska

A robin died in my backyard. I saw the dogs sniffing around it and picked it up and put it on my front deck for nature to do its own version of recycling.  When I came home from my dental cleaning, I saw two ravens fighting over it where it had fallen off my front deck onto my driveway. I had no sooner focused on what they were fighting over when an eagle swooped in. Both ravens took off in a heartbeat, one carrying the remnants of the dead robin in its mouth, followed closely by the eagle.

And people

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Lions and tigers and volcanoes, oh my!

Redoubt blew again, the ash is falling on Anchorage, there are high wind advisories for my little piece of town… possibly up to 80 mph gusts tomorrow… and I wonder again how anyone could want to live anywhere else.

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She continues on the dignity train

I head to the closet closest to the outside door and pull out my winter walking coat. Instantly both dogs come to attention. Blondie runs up the two steps to the landing next to the door knowing that I want her there to attach her leash. Blue has her head, as usual, stuck under a bird cage foraging for leftovers.  She glimpses me putting my coat on and comes over and starts barking. But not her usual OHMYGODICAN’TBELIEVESHE’SACTUALLYTAKINGUSFORAWALKITSBEENALMOSTTWENTY-FOURHOURSSINCETHELASTONE bark. This was different. She’d bark twice, then frantically mover her lower jaw up and down in some odd chewing fashion. Two

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