
Dignity is as dignity does

Blue lies at my feet in the bathroom in the morning as I take my AM constitutional. She carefully licks each paw and leg clean after having eaten her breakfast and indulged in her own constitutional. As she lies there so very carefully licking each paw, her head and neck are covered with the hulls of bird seeds from sticking her head under the cage to get any stray crumb the bird might have dropped. I guess you can be dignified with a head full of bird seed for so long as you don’t have a mirror.

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Columns 2009

Is the future dim for small Native villages in Alaska?

I thought the placement of two letters in the Letters to the Editor section of the paper last Thursday was very interesting. One letter spoke to the need for training Alaska Natives so they can take some of the thousands of jobs available through their corporations and their corporations’ subsidiaries.  The hitch to shareholders getting those jobs, aside from the training component, was the fact that they are often spread across the entire world, many thousands of miles from the village the shareholder calls home.

The very next letter was about the silence emanating from the Native corporations and other

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Who was it?

Thoughts that come to one’s mind in the middle of the night when one can’t sleep….

Who was it that first thought up the idea of waxing pubic hair?  And why do I think it was a man?

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Mt. Redoubt

The last time Redoubt exploded, I was on my way to the East Coast for Christmas. It was twenty years ago, my mother was still alive and Janis was still living in Anchorage with her family. I ended up staying at her house for a week as flight after flight got canceled. It being the holidays, rebooking after each cancellation became more and more of a nightmare. I finally found a circuitous route to Philadelphia and arrived on Christmas Eve. By the time I got from Philly to Atlantic City, it was 9 PM. My mother had already served Christmas

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Here’s what’s really scary

What I find scariest of all about the AIG bonus debacle is that these executives are so tone deaf and out of touch that they apparently thought either no one would notice or no one would care or no one could touch them. And these are supposed to be the bright people the company wants to retain to rebuild itself. Do they really think the entire American population is that stupid?  What is wrong with this picture?

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Why I am sometime homicidal

I called South Jersey Gas to straighten out the mess our previous property manager had left behind at my parents’ old property in Atlantic City. I successfully negotiated their phone tree until I finally lost patience and hit 0 to get a real person to help since none of their other options met my needs. I then spent over 40 minutes on hold, listening to that music that makes you want to tear your ears out after the first fifteen minutes, while every ten seconds the same three messages, repeated in rotation, broke into the music.

Just when I thought

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No, really, where are the pitch forks!

It’s not so much that AIG is giving its executives bonuses that makes me crazy as the fact that those assholes are taking the money and apparently have no fear of retribution.

It’s time we start studying the French revolution so we can hone our guillotine skills.

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Columns 2009

Our big, wild life

We call him Kodi because he came from Kodiak Island. He’s a Northwestern crow, one of the stars of Bird TLC’s education program. And this Saturday night, if you head over to the Captain Cook Hotel, you’ll be able to see him doing what he does best – accepting cash from all donors to help pay for his fellow birds when they are sick and injured. Hand him a bill – preferably a large one – and he will drop it in the cash jar at his feet. Hand him a worm after that and he will love you forever. 

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How much sleep do you get

So apparently if you get the right amount of sleep, you’ll weigh less. Hmmm….I’m not sure how much sleep is the right amount for me but since six, seven and eight hours a day hasn’t worked so far, I guess I’ll have to up it to nine hours a day. Geez, a diet I can finally get behind.  Maybe the key is that the more your sleep, the less time you have to eat.

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