
Octo mom…really?

Please, oh please America, develop some taste, some discretion, some common decency… stop listening to any news show that has any story about this sick woman. She is mentally ill. We should avert our faces from her attempts to sell her illness and pray for those poor little children who really, if you think about it, don’t stand much of a chance at a good life.

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In PFD mourning

It has taken me days to be able to write about the horrible news Alaskans received last week. But now I must face reality. Our dearly beloved PFD check… that which got us all to Hawaii or Mexico or Costco in the fall… is expected to shrink to as little as $68 by 2013.  By 2013, I’m thinking that will barely buy a tank of gas… hell, it already barely buys a tank of gas. And at the rate the price of stamps is increasing, it could cost the state more to send the checks than they are worth.


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I am as big an animal lover as they come. I can’t even watch the movie Bambi because I get hysterical every time the mom dies. So when I say that I think the Iditarod is a great race and a great athletic competition for both humans and dogs, I mean it sincerely and not because I’m an Alaskan.  Are there dogs mistreated by bad mushers? Probably. There are dogs mistreated all over this country and world. But that doesn’t make the race or the vast majority of the mushers bad. Most are people who live for their dogs.  You

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Columns 2009

Give foster kids an education

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The state makes a lousy parent.  It rarely remembers your birthday and it almost never takes a turn having all the relatives over for the holidays. But if you’re a kid stuck in state custody, it’s often all you have in the way of a parent except maybe for an ever changing cast of foster parents.

This is not a condemnation of the state or its system of caring for children in its custody. Given the resources we are willing to provide for this service, and given the needs of the

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Give me a break, Lisa

Not only is Lisa Murkowski intelligent, powerful, beautiful and a size I could only dream about on my best day, but now, while I moan over bruises from falling in the shower while reaching for a towel, she gets to parade around in a wheel chair with bruises from a ski fall on an expert hill…is that about right? Because if it is, she’s really starting to annoy me.  Couldn’t she have just slipped in the bathtub?

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Listen to KBYR 700 AM today

I’ll be on a little after 3 PM discussing the issue of old men and young women relationships (think Hugh – OH-SWEET-LORD-I-CAN’T-BELIEVE-HE’S-NOT-A-ROTTING-CORPSE-YET – Hefner) with Eddie Burke.

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I’m ok…NOT

Just as I was shaking the flu off, I managed to fall in the shower. Now my left arm is red, blue and purple from wrist to elbow.  Life just doesn’t get much more fun, now does it?

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Seriously god…..

This is no longer amusing me. I want to be better and not have a headache and stomach ache and cough all the time. Two weeks is long enough. I’m starting to think I’m personally responsible for the fall of the Dow as it rides down the slide with my health.

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