
The pope and the Jews

All this fuss about the pope reinstating the very conservative cardinal who doesn’t believe in the Holocaust makes me wonder why don’t people maybe think that the reason the pope did it was because he kind of agrees with his cardinal but doesn’t really want to say it out loud. I mean, what other reason could he possibly have for doing something so hideous and evil as giving the church’s credibility…such as it has left…to someone who is a Holocaust denyer?

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Hairy butt cracks

I went to a store earlier this week where I needed some items packed up. When I got there, a guy was fixing the strapping machine. He was crouched down like a plumber and I had full view of his entire butt and butt crack for a good ten minutes while he fooled with it. I didn’t know where to look to avoid looking at it. Did I mention it was quite hairy and unattractive…though I’m not sure there are any that are attractive under those circumstances. I finally just walked away and pretended I was very interested in all

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Columns 2009

Get out the tar and feathers…I’m gonna find me a hedge fund manager!

When the banks, brokerage houses and mortgage lenders were sucking under because of their greed, bad investments and utter disdain for reality, Congress passed a bill giving them billions of dollars in relief so fast that the ink had barely dried on it before the first check was cut. The Bush administration called for this money to be appropriated without any strings attached because there was simply no time for details. I believe the general attitude was, “Trust us. We’re from the government and we can handle this.”

How many times do we have to fall for a line like

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Hugh (urp) Hefner

I accidentally saw him on the entertainment channel as I was surfing for another CSI episode. He had two or three little blonde girls around him. They were giggling as all little girls with a collective IQ of perhaps 50 do when the camera is trained on their breasts. And he sat in the middle looking for all the world like an ad for untreated venereal disease. I mean, good lord, he makes my skin crawl. 

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Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday (I forgot to buy you a card so this will have to suffice), dear Emily. Happy Birthday to you.

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getting cut off from people

I had a call from an online pharmacy yesterday telling me how much I could save in co-pays if I used them instead of going to my local pharmacy. Maybe someday I’ll have to take them up on their offer because finances will be that tight. But for now, I prefer to have some human contact. As it is, I do most of my banking and bill pay either online or through a telephone tree. Going to the pharmacy is one of the few face to face interactions I have left in my day. I like that they know me

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Earthquakes, volcanos and bears, oh my!

Redoubt is rumbling again and there are signs and warnings all over about how to survive volcanic ash. Suddenly I’m in the middle of Vesuvius. Last week I was awakened by an earth quake, the week before we had hundred mile an hour wind gusts that blew my recyclable container four blocks uphile and now the volcano is erupting….is god trying to tell Alaska something? Is he po’d that we gave the world Sarah Palin?

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A new feathered friend

I’ll be getting a new foster bird soon, a little sun conure. So let me put this plea out to all my faithful readers. If you live in Anchorage and have never considered how much fun it could be to have a feathered friend in your home, go to the Alaska Parrot Education and Adoption Center website – http://www.akpeac.org/ – and check out how you can add this wonderful dimension of fun and joy to your life. All our companion birds are rescued from homes that can no longer keep them. They all need a little love and attention and

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Columns 2009

Budget Babble

Cutting the state budget through a hiring freeze is like me cutting my budget by eliminating all green food purchases, whether jelly beans or broccoli. It doesn’t make sense. And it doesn’t in any way address whether or not the green food was a major cause of my debt or whether eliminating it would have any appreciable effect on my overall economic health.

The fact that even I can see the deficiencies in this approach to our fiscal problems should be a large flashing red light with siren blaring alarm considering my general inability to have the slightest amount of

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