
One more day…one more day….

…one more day and we can all truly say, we did it! We made it!  We actually survived the biggest idiot to ever occupy the White House without committing communal suicide. Yea for us!

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Rasmuson Artists Awards…apply now!

Got this e-mail recently for Alaskan artists who might qualify to apply for one of the Rasmuson Foundation grants.  Since there is no category for “writer who publishes column in newspaper and otherwise amuses herself working as a GAL and doing free stuff for non-profits”, I figured I’d pass the information on to others. Since I can’t compete, you won’t be competing against me so I can afford to be generous and let you all in on this.  Anyhow, here’s the info.

Hi Elise,

I’m working with Rasmuson Foundation to help spread the word about their upcoming Individual Artist Awards

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Politics can make you really crazy

As hard as I find this to believe, there are people in America dreading the day that Obama takes the oath of office because they are sure he is a Muslim terrorist and not an American born citizen and so has no right to be president AND plans to destroy this country. First of all, if the Current Occupier and his minions from hell did not destroy America, I think we can count ourselves as pretty resilient and indestructible. Secondly…really? People really believe that this could be true and the Republican Party and almost all Republican Supreme Court would not

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Here’s why listening to the weather report can be important

I put my trash cans and recycle bin out on Wednesday night for pick up Thursday morning. I did not bother listening to the reports of the wind that would come howling down on my little house. I awoke Thursday morning to find my driveway and the streets had become sheer ice and my trash cans and recycle bin were nowhere in sight. I put on my shoes fortified by yaktraxs and headed out in the car to find them. I found the two trash cans further away than I would have thought possible given the amount of stuff in

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Columns 2009

The last dirty secret

Rae Fancher spent a childhood in which physical, sexual and emotional abuses were rife.  I read about this 23 year old being the first Alaska Native female ever accepted into the Naval Academy with joy at the thought that some kids can escape their abusive past without putting a bullet to their head or a noose around their neck.

But even as I read about Rae’s choice to survive, I found myself thinking of the recent statistics about suicide in Alaska. We have the highest rate in the nation, twice the national average. The rate for youths in Alaska between

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Somethings are just not meant to be in my life

So there I was, all dressed up – OK, by my standards I was all dressed up, I had put a bra on and everything – and ready to go out to dinner with a friend that I see about once a year. Ten minutes before he arrived, but well after I’d gotten dressed, my dog threw up in HUGE QUANTITIES twice in my office.  There is no way to eliminate that odor in ten minutes. There is no way to clean up dog barf one minute and look forward to sushi the next.  God just did not mean for

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Who are….

..the media elite and where can I find them? I keep hearing references to them but I can’t figure out if that is everyone in the media…in which case I think we need to rethink any category that would include the words Geraldo Rivera and elite…or just certain members of the media. I mean, am I one? If so, I want a raise for what I do. Or do you just have to work for certain organizations? Or is it just what conservatives say when news media don’t agree with them? In that case, is the conservative press the media….rubes?

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Why does my need to consume carbohydrates go up in direct proportion to the temperature going down?

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Blair House

Blair House is where every president elect has stayed with his family while waiting for his inauguration for at least the past century. When the Obama’s inquired about moving there, the Current Occupier and his minions of evil said that it was already booked for the ex prime minister of Australia or some equally important person. So the Obama’s, being obviously the much more classy act, quietly checked into a hotel for the two weeks leading up to the swearing in.  How classless and crass can the Current Occupier get? He consistently hits depths that amaze me. How hard would

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I can’t believe it

I finally saw the pictures of Obama from Hawaii. Oh my god! Our new president has six pack abs.  Now I may have to dislike him. No one should be allowed to be that old with that many responsibilities, coming off the frantic year he’s had and still look that good with his shirt off. It’s just not natural.

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