
Why newspapers lose readers

The Anchorage Daily News has once again redone its comic page and the choices it has made boggle the mind unless they were made based solely on how cheap the new strips and features are. And so I turn even more to my computer and less to my paper to find Pooch Cafe and Mutts and Opus and all the really good strips as opposed to the trash that is now being run in the ADN’s Sunday comics section.  If it weren’t for Get Fuzzy, there would be scant reason to ever check out that section. 

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It’s hard to not feel hateful sometimes

In the Sudan, Muslims are demanding a woman be put to death for allowing her class to name a stuffed toy Mohammed. In Saudi Arabia, a woman has been sentenced to 200 lashes because she was raped by seven men and her lawyer dared to appeal the original sentence of 90 lashes. Oh yeah, and the lawyer was stripped of his right to practice law.  I hear this, and precious little full scale outrage from supposedly moderate Islamic groups who claim these fanatics do not represent true Islam, and I think, “Really?” Because from where I’m sitting, sign me up

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In my world

Today is the first day I believe anyone should officially be allowed to start playing Christmas songs on the radio.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go shut off all my radios.

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And just what would the point be?

A guide for being organized during the holidays appeared in the paper the other day. Among other suggestions was one that said to contract with a firm that will sign, address and mail your Christmas cards to everyone on your mailing list. And I must ask, exactly what would be the point of that? To waste paper? To increase the profit line of card companies? To let friends and family know you have so much money and so little time that you can hire someone else to send your love to them? If you can’t find the time to send

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Columns 2007

The Jesuits pay for their priests’ sins

A few weeks ago, Cyrano’s offered a reading based on A. J. McClanahan’s book, Growing up Native in Alaska. With just a few lines and a few sketches, the readers offered a fascinating view into what it was like to grow up a minority in your own land.  A few days later, headlines blared out the news that the Jesuits would pay $50 million to Alaska Native victims of clergy abuse. And it occurred to me that growing up Native in some places in this state had challenges I could not even imagine, challenges not mentioned in A.J.’s book.


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It’s a foreign world to me

I read about shoppers planning strategies for Black Friday, checking out stores beforehand, plotting their methods of attack based on the special deals offered and the layout of the mall and I realize there is a whole world out there that I will never, ever understand.  Or, for that matter, want to participate in. I’d rather read a book.

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A great Thanksgiving weekend

So there we all were on Thanksgiving, sitting in Elaine and Chris’ gorgeous house with heavenly smells wafting through and making all our mouths water when someone came in the front door and I heard the scream from Elaine….”KC!!!”. Now there’s the kind of thing that should happen on Thanksgiving. Good food, good company, and the surprise visit of an old friend who lives faraway.  Does it get any better?

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Almost seven years after bushcheney swore they would find bin Laden no matter where he was and punish the Taliban for their support of Al Qaeda, a new study shows that the Taliban are now firmly re-established in over 50% of Afghanistan. And, of course, we all know how well that search for bin Laden is going. Yep. Nothing like two cowboys with empty sacks where there balls ought to be running a war so incompetently as to make Dr. Strangelove seem prophetic in the idiocy of the people running the country.

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