
Happy Halloween

I’m a diabetic now so all I can do is dream about the handfuls of candy corn I used to gulp down without a second thought. Would that some candy manufacturer could find a way to make sugar free candy corn. Now there’s someone I could salute.

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Stop me, please stop me

OK, now I’m begging. Please stop me before I go into a Costco again. Do an intervention. Tackle me at the one yard line.  Take my car keys away. Hell, take my car away.  But stop me.

And now, the question that must be asked. Does anyone out there need 300 sponges?

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The cleats are back on

It must be winter. My studded snow tires AND the cleats for my shoes are both back in daily use.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we could have the snow without the ice? the cold without the frigid cold? the dark season with some light? But then again, if we had those things, what would Alaskans have to bitch/brag about?

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It’s the battery, stupid

My wireless mouse started acting all ragged and jerky. It kept freezing up the minute I wasn’t using it. So I cleaned out the contact points, reloaded the software, muttered about people who might have used my computer while I was out and downloaded something that was conflicting with it, decided that the MacGame I tried to buy had a virus and finally resorted to beating it on the table.  Turns out it needed new batteries. Such old fashioned technology for such new fangled stuff.

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When your own generals….

When your own generals blast the way you’ve conducted your war, it’s time for a decent man to resign and go back to what he does best…clearing brush in Texas. Oh wait, that’s right, he’s not a decent man.

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Columns 2007


A friend who was visiting me noticed that some housing improvements happening next door were spilling over slightly onto my property.  It was nothing that wouldn’t be removed when the work was done. But still, my friend felt that I should say something. I just smiled.

When this project first started, I watched the initial efforts from my office window. One day, my neighbor was using a loader to prepare the ground. His young son came out to watch, fascinated by the loud noise, big tires and giant scoop.  He stood next to the cab of the machine and held

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Who will win?

Our latest trial of corrupt politicians continues apace here while back in my childhood state of New Jersey, Atlantic City politicians fall faster than trees in the South American rain forests. Who will win? Which state will come out on top with the most corruption in public life? Will it be perennial favorite New Jersey, home of some of the best corruption this side of Russia?  Or Alaska, that scrappy up and comer who is trying so hard to beat the old pros? Stay tuned. It can only get better.

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Rudy Giuliani

I wonder how hard conservatives have to swallow to accept him as their front runner?  HIlary Clinton better respresents their values.  And that is sure a sign of the end of times.

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