
New York City

New York was a great place to be young. I don’t think I could live there again though. Too many people, too much noise…you have to have years to grow use to that. But oh what a magical city it still is to visit. There is no place else I would rather spend a day than in Manhattan, walking from midtown to the Metropolitan Museum, along Fifth Avenue and Central Park. It simply doesn’t get much better than that.  The people walking by you are living street theater, the air smells…well, let’s just leave it at that..the air smells, and

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I fear for our future

We played a game called Finish This Line or something like that. Frighteningly, the lines that we could all finish without even blinking were all the lines to old TV show themes. If we want to conquer civilizations that hate us, we just need to export our culture to them. They’ll still hate us for doing it, but they’ll look just like us when they do. Once you know the words to Gilligan’s Island, there is no going back.

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Global warming…the good side

My sister’s friend came down to Atlantic City for the weekend.  She was hoping it would be nice enough out to go to the beach. And it almost was except for some fog. This, just two weeks shy of Halloween. I hate to sound so old, but I can remember when I was young and used to Trick or Treat at Halloween, that it was sometimes a battle over whether I had to wear my coat over my costume.  Now October is still beach weather.  Welcome to global warming.

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Here’s a modern day miracle

I traveled from Anchorage to Atlantic City in a trip involving three flights and two close connections.  All three flights were on time and pleasant.  Seriously, what are the chances of that ever happening again?

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I don’t mean to harp on this but….

Am I the only one who finds it amazing that the same god who created Stellar Jays also created George Bush?  What could she have been thinking? Now I understand how the god who created the duckbilled platypus could create George…and I’m thinking that god would be a man.

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Bird Watching

I just realized that I spent over half an hour the other day watching a couple of Stellar Jays trying to figure out which two peanuts from my deck would most perfectly fit in their mouths so that they got two for the price of one trip.  And I was totally happy and content to just watch.  Either my mind has totally retreated into senility or George Bush has so made reality painful that the only thing that will allow me some peace are two birds and some peanuts.  You choose.

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Columns 2007

Sarah’s still riding high with public approval

Alaska has been blessed with a lot of one-name women who have made, and are making, this great state even greater.  Lisa.  Arliss. Ramona.  Sarah.  Ah, Sarah.  Our governor, almost one year into her term, is sitting on the kind of approval ratings you usually only see in a place like Cuba or North Korea after the government conducts a poll on whether you approve of the job the head of state is doing. What’s equally amazing is she continues to garner very small negative numbers.

Sarah is someone who has every right to be extending a certain digit on

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I think it’s significant

I think there must be some significance to the fact that the state is depositing my PFD check into my account today, the 35th anniversary of the day I arrived in Barrow.  I don’t know what that significance is, but I’m tempted to say $1600 isn’t quite enough.  Maybe what the state should do is give each resident $100 for every year they’ve lived in the state….$200 for every year lived here in the Bush. Then we’d be talking money!

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No really, who uses this stuff

Have you seen the latest late night ads?  Little toothbrush like gadgets for cleaning grout.  Seriously….someone has that much time on their hands? I say just move if your grout is that bad.

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