
The privelege of being Alaskan

I hiked a trail behind Alyeska on Sunday.  Dear god, how did I ever get lucky enough to be an Alaskan? What a privelege it is to be allowed to wander a trail of such natural beauty and glory. I was so into the whole nature thing. And then a little five or six year old girl came skipping passed me on the path…SKIPPING! on the path I was panting as I climbed. And suddenly the sun went behind the clouds and all I could think was…BITCH!

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Columns 2007

My summer adventure

If I was still a school kid, I suppose this column would be entitled, “My Summer Vacation Adventure.” Since I’m not, it might end up being titled, “Why Elise’s Friends Remain Stunned By The Fact That She Has Managed To Grow This Old Without Accidentally Killing Herself.”

It all began quite innocently. I was invited to a friend’s house for dinner.  She and her husband live about four miles away, a straight shot down C Street. Since a nice path is available, I decided to walk there. Because this was going to be such a simple task, I didn’t take

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Alberto. we hardly knew ye!

I thought it appropriate to wait a few days before acting too happy over Alberto’s resignation.  Seemed to be the polite thing to do. But now that the proper mourning period has passed, let me just say…WHAT TOOK YOU SO DAMN LONG, YOU BUMBLING, FUMBLING, BARELY COHERENT, MEMORY IMPAIRED, MORALITY ABSENT, PARASITE WHOSE LIPS ARE SO FIRMLY GLUED TO BUSH’S BACKSIDE THAT YOU WILLINGLY CO-OPTED OUR ENTIRE LEGAL SYSTEM TO MEET HIS POLITICAL NEEDS!  And that’s why I waited. You can’t imagine what I wanted to say a few days ago.

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Bad judgement?

Michael Vicks apologized for bad judgement and immaturity. Really?  You kill dogs with your bare hands and call it immaturity.  You torment dogs till they become so crazed they want to kill each other and call it bad judgement? May you go to hell forever.  And be tormented by people with bad judgement and immaturity till all you want to do is fight and kill the people who ran this dog ring with you.

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I believe it was King Louis the 15th

I believe it was King Louis the 15th of France who once famously said, “L’etat, c’est moi.” For those of you not forced to take high school French with Sister Josephine, that translates as “The state is me.” Am I the only Alaskan who thinks that both Ted Stevens and Don Young are starting to believe this about themselves?  They cut off Louis’ son Louis the 16th’s head.  Ben, beware!

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Call and wish the old lady a happy birthday


And neither of us will ever let the other see how much gray hair there is on our heads. On any given birthday from now till we both die, we send out our special love to those people who help us keep our secret…the hairdressers who dye that gray away.

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Rain and umbrellas

When I walked Mr. T, I had a free hand to hold an umbrella in the rain. Now I walk two dogs and have no free hand for an umbrella. I get very wet. So do they.  But they seem to enjoy it anyway. Maybe I need to rediscover that part of the joy of my childhood….running through the rain and laughing.  Or maybe not.  Maybe I’ll just be content with bitching and moaning about how wet and cold and miserable I am when I get back from these walks and how happy the dogs should be that I love

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How long can I be this lucky?

I am traveling to another family wedding in October. I will get to wear the same outfit I wore to the past two. My sister approves so far. Since the next generation has reached the age where these events will happen more often than not for the foreseeable future, I find myself wondering how long I can get away with wearing the same outfit before my sister sneaks it out of my suitcase and burns it.

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Columns 2007

I miss having real leaders

PBS recently ran a special on The Sixties. For my generation at this point, that could refer to age as well as a specific time period. So I should clarify that in this case, it had nothing to do with the need for calcium supplements. It was about the decade that will forever define my generation, no matter what else we may accomplish.

Being a typical, self-absorbed, over indulged member of that generation, I settled into my recliner, unwrapped my calcium chews, and settled in for what I thought would be a pleasant romp down memory lane.  Yes, I was

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