
My eyes!  My eyes!

If there is any doubt that Karl Rove deserves to go to hell for eternity, it was wiped away by the sight of him rapping and doing what I can only assume he thought was rap dancing in a tuxedo.  They may have to legalize a lot more drugs to help me move past this moment.  I wake up screaming in the night. My eyes…my eyes… NOTE TO ALL MIDDLE AGED AND OLDER WHITE MEN IN DC – YOU CANNOT RAP. YOU CAN BARELY DANCE.  YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN’T RAP AND DANCE AT THE SAME TIME.

And, may I add, BRING

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Recorded messages from everyone!

Does anyone actually listen to all those recorded messages from politicians running for office, special interests wanting you to vote one way or another on a proposition, etc. etc. ad nauseam? I just came back from all of 90 minutes away from my desk and almost the entire recording time on my answer machine was filled up with them because Anchorage has an election coming up on Tuesday. I couldn’t hit delete fast enough.  It’s enough to make me want to vote AGAINST the people who are annoying me so much with these damn recordings.

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Pat Stiefel

I lost my favorite gardener and all around wonderful person to cancer this month.  I know her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are all missing her very much. As for me, I have to believe she is in heaven advising God on how to plant Her spring garden and gently telling Her which are weeds and which aren’t.  And if God has any sense at all, She will listen to Pat’s advice.

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Loose dogs in Anchorage

Well, I guess I have my answer now. If your dogs are loose and threatening me when I walk, it’s my problem.  Animal Control not only is of little use, but if you complain, you get a call from someone who makes it sound as though you are the annoyance and those poor people with the loose dogs are being harrassed. At least I know where I stand now.

By the way, Anchorage Animal Control, you should screen your officers better and only let certain ones actually have contact with the public. The others should stick to animals who won’t

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I know it’s not supposed to be this way but…

I know that when someone invokes their Fifth Amendment rights I should not automatically assume they are guilty of something and covering up. But I do. And I bet you do too. What’s scary is when the person doing it is from the highest levels of the Department of Justice.

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No column this week

Due to local elections, my column has been bumped to next week in the paper so it won’t show up here till then either. So this is my week off. I don’t have to sit here staring at the blank computer screen trying to come up with a topic that will hold my interest long enough to write about it.  Wow.  You’d think I’d feel more relieved than I do.

Meanwhile, for all Alaskans reading this, please vote no on the advisory vote to deny same sex couples health care benefits. First of all, let’s not codify discrimination into our

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Columns 2007

More socials workers need more services to offer

OOPS! Guess the column did run in the paper today, so here it is.

As a GAL in this state, I am thrilled that the issue of full staffing for OCS and the need for more foster parents is actually catching some attention, if not more money, down in Juneau.  Usually, issues like this take a back seat to gas line talks, revenue projections and whether Mr. Whitekeys should be named the new state fossil.

So I hate to be the one to point out any flaws in this plan to hire more social workers, but I will. The simple

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How old am I!

I was interviewed by a high school student about the March on Washington in the fall of ‘67. Not only is my youth now officially history, but her mother informed me that the dear child had no idea what a draft board was so my telling her about joining sit-ins there was like speaking a foreign language.  Ditto for the words Quakers, Society of Friends, Abbie Hoffman and levitating the Pentagon. Sigh.

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Let me see if I have this straight…

In the eyes of conservative moralistic Christians that listen to all those televangelists, Hillary Clinton would have more respect from their corner if she’d divorced Bill like Gingrich and Giuliani and McCain did with their spouses. In fact, based on their support for Giuliani and Gingrich, they should be wild for Bill since they seem to embrace men who cheat. Oh wait, that’s right. Clinton went back to his wife and they seem to be at least making a surface effort to keep their marriage together. That’s his problem. Had he dumped her for one of his bimbettes, he would

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A message to Alberto Gonzales

It wasn’t that you fired those prosecutors. It was that you lied about it. How hard can that concept be to understand? And why does each new generation of politicians seemingly have to learn it over again? Don’t they remember Watergate? Irancontra?  For god’s sake, Bill was impeached for lying under oath, not for screwing with Monica!  It wasn’t the initial act that brought them down. It was the lies and cover ups.

I guess it is true that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

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