
A message to Alberto Gonzales

It wasn’t that you fired those prosecutors. It was that you lied about it. How hard can that concept be to understand? And why does each new generation of politicians seemingly have to learn it over again? Don’t they remember Watergate? Irancontra?  For god’s sake, Bill was impeached for lying under oath, not for screwing with Monica!  It wasn’t the initial act that brought them down. It was the lies and cover ups.

I guess it is true that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

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A dog’s life


I think this picture says it all.  No this is not one of my dogs. But it could be. This dog is owned by the person who taught me how to make my dogs understand that I am in charge in my home. Master, your pupil has learned her lesson well.  By the way, do you bring your dog breakfast in bed too?

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Columns 2007

The babe factor

Ah yes, the “babe” factor.  Our governor has it and yours doesn’t.  Our governor has it to such a degree that even Barack Obama could stand to take a few lessons from her.  Anyone doubting the power of the babe factor need only look at her approval ratings.  More than three months into her administration and her numbers hover in the 70% favorable.  Now that’s a babe factor and a half.

There are some who might argue that Palin has those huge numbers as a direct result of the unbelievably low numbers registered by our former head of state –

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Bong His for Jesus

As a proud member of the sixties counter culture, words fail to express how thrilled I am that the Alaska case that makes it to the Supreme Court has, at its heart, the statement “Bong Hits for Jesus.” Thank god Alaska never really plans to go all soft and urban.  Down in the lower 48 they may ask, “What Would Jesus Do?” Here in Alaska, we know the answer.  Bong hits.

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You have to let your dogs know you’re in charge

My dogs think that my attempt to make my bed in the morning is just a fun game to play. Jump up on the bed while she tries to pull the sheet up. Jump off before her hand reaches you. Jump back up as she reaches for the bespread. Jump back off when her face turns that funny purple red while she’s saying your name much more loudly than needed since you can hear perfectly well….yep. There is nothing like making sure the animals in the house know that you are the alpha dog.  Of course, when they are laughing

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St. Patrick’s Day

It has been pointed out to me that yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day and I didn’t even make passing mention of it here.  Well, pardon me, but which part of my name looks Irish to you? I know, I know, on St. Pat’s Day everyone is Irish.  Well, I for one think the Irish need to reconsider that concept. Do they really want the unholy triumvarate of Bush, Cheney and Rove to be Irish for even one day?

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For Char


“Not the least hard thing to bear when they go from us, these quiet friends, is that they carry away with them so many years of our lives. Yet, if they find warmth therein, who would begrudge them those years that they have so guarded? And whatever they take, be sure they have deserved.”

John Galsworthy

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It’s shedding time

Five parrots, a cockatoo and two dogs are currently shedding feathers and fur in my house. Thank god for my cataracts. I can’t see half the mess.

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