
For god’s sake, just tell the truth and get over it

I don’t mind the firing of all those federal prosecutors as much as I mind the boldfaced lies of the administration in claiming that it wasn’t political. For god’s sake, we aren’t idiots out here, even if we did elect Bush twice.  But to have hard evidence of correspondence between the White House and the AG’s chief of staff showing the political plotting and manuvering, and then to find out that friends of people in high places got appointed to the suddenly vacated positions, and then to see the good evaluations those eight prosecutors received proving that the terminations had

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Bye Bye Halliburton

Halliburton is leaving the US and setting up its new corporate headquarters in the mid-East. You know what this means, right?  Quick, check the US Treasury. We must be totally out of money.,

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Columns 2007

Real Alaskans whine

Now that Fur Rondy and the Iditarod have safely made it through Anchorage with all the snow they could possible want, would it be horrible of me to suggest that I’ve had it with winter.  I’m done with ice.  Snow has lost its amusement value for me.  Bragging to my relatives about how low the temperature got last night is no longer fun. 

I’m tired of the twenty-minute dressing routine I have to go through every day before I walk my dogs. My feet long to stroll without little wire grippers between them and god’s earth.  My hands long to

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Isn’t that the point?

I am always highly amused when I read letters to the editor in the local paper in which some yahoo points out that we could not publicly complain or criticize our government if we were in Iraq and so we shoudl shut up and support whatever the administration wants to do. And I think to myself, “But isn’t that the point?” Alas, that kind of nuance is lost on the letter writers.

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Why god made turn signals on cars

God made turn signals on cars in order to allow the driver of car one to let the drivers of cars two through ad infinitum know that he or she was planning to turn onto a street or into a different lane. This is not a hard concept. Putting your turn signal on when you are already halfway into the other lane is plain stupid.  Most of the cars around you already get what you are planning to do and are cursing you silently under their breath for not signaling in advance.  Putting your turn signal on at that point

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It’s enough to make me like dentists

Well, I visited my dentist for my annual exam this week and, in a tremendous break with recent tradition in my health care, nothing was wrong.  Talk about a freak occurence…me, going into a health professional’s office and coming out with no new diseases, problems, aches, disabilities or need for more medication or surgery. I guess miracles do happen.

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Best Friends Animal Society

Those of you who read this blog regularly know that Best Friends is where I want to go when I’m old. It’s the largest no kill animal shelter in America and it is a magical place of kindness and love and joy for many animals who had precious little of that before their arrival at Best Friends.

Anyhow, Best Friends is looking for donations of items like blankets, towels, old pet beds, kitty scratching posts, toys for birds or dogs or cats that your loved and lucky pets no longer use…anything like that. They could also use packages of Pill

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Latin America beware

So the headlines say Bush is turning his eyes towards Latin America. Some would say he’s doing that to distract attention from the Mideast. All I know is that if I were Latin America, I’d be very, very nervous.

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Does this make me a horrible person

My first thought on hearing that Dick Cheney had a blood clot in his leg was that I hope he had to go to Walter Reed and wait in line with our vets while the bureaucracy shuffled him around and then, when he finally got to care, it was substandard.  And actually, I don’t really care if that makes me a horrible person. 

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Columns 2007

Kids can spot hypocrisy a mile away

Here’s the thing about kids. They have a talent for sniffing out hypocrisy.  If you want to know why the war on drugs is such a miserable failure, you need go no further than this.  “Don’t smoke pot. Drugs are bad for you,” has limited effectiveness when spoken by someone holding a glass of wine. It’s the hypocrisy factor.

We all start out life thinking our parents are omnipotent. The first time we catch them in something less than the truth is usually the first time we start to question their previously unquestioned power in our universe.

When I was

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