

In my one bit of holiday entertaining, I had some old friends over for dinner a couple of night ago. I was thinking about it today and realized that it was one of the most pleasant evenings I’ve spent in a long time.  Old friends are really one of the great hidden positives of growing old.

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The Hall of Infamy

Apparently some of my readers object to the fact that no Republicans made it into the Hall of Infamy this year.  I guess they are so used to Republicans getting everything that they feel they should also get this honor.  But these readers clearly do not understand the criteria for admission. Just being an asshole isn’t enough. Just being a warmongering, incompetent neocon isn’t enough.  Just being president against all odds, common sense and wisdom is not enough.  The thing about the Hall of Infamy is that the people and things admitted have to be more subtle.  There is nothing

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I am not my parents

When my parents got older and used blood pressure medication and bent down, they were often dizzy when they straightened back up. I now take blood pressure medication but when I bend over and then straighten up, I get a head rush.  It’s two totally different things and it’s why I will NEVER become my parents.

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Columns 2006

Hall of Infamy 2006

We now come to that time of year when, for want of something better to do for amusement, I decide who merits entry into my Hall of Infamy 2006. The criteria are fairly lax.  Nominees mostly have to have annoyed the heck out of me or in some other way caused me to want to chase them off this planet during the past twelve months.

Just so we’re clear at the outset, Tom Cruise has achieved permanent residence in the Hall of Infamy.  So have Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and any variation of their names that combines them into

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Here’s a thought

The pope apparently spoke at midnight mass in Rome about taking care of the world’s children in honor of the child whose birth he was celebrating.  Here’s a thought.  Sell a couple of the Vatican’s pieces of art or ancient properties. You’ll make enough to feed, clothe and house a whole lot of children. I’m pretty sure that’s what Jesus would do.

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No, really, today is the day I am absolutely taking a day of rest from my blog…oops, there I go again….i ruined my day off by writing about it.

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My day off

This is my day off from my blog…though now that I’ve written this, it’s not really a day off, is it?

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That it should come to this

I was filling the water dishes for the dogs last night when it occurred to me that if I bought bigger water dishes now that I have two dogs, both of whom are bigger than Mr. T, I could save myself some time and effort. Then I thought that this was probably not bad exercise and if I bought a bigger bowl it would just stop me from the extra bending and lifting and that wasn’t necessarily good.

So this is what my life has become…I hold silent debates in my mind about whether small dog water dishes are better

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I must be an old softie.

It snowed all day Wednesday and there wass a total white out happening. I made it to my chiropractor’s appointment only by driving up onto a sidewalk twice. I then came home…very, very slowly…and canceled the vet appointment on the other end of town.  And yet…and yet….the dogs got their three mile walk. I had snow down my back, snow up my pants and snow…well, other places. But they got their darn walk. So yes, I must be an old softie.

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Just when you think you’ve heard it all

The paper yesterday carried an article about a laugh clinic. You make an appointment to see a therapist who has groups in which he or she leads you in laughter. It’s considered healthy for you. You know what’s healthier?  Renting Talledega Nights and laughing naturally.

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