
Blondie and Blue

Blondie, a lab, and Blud, an Australian cattle dog with diabetes, come for a visit on Saturday. If all goes well, they will fill the hole Mr. T’s absence has left in my life.  Blue takes insulin once a day. I figure it’s something we can share.  One for me, one for her.

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Will they ever run out of ideas?

I watch the crime scene shows in awe and wonder.  Will these writers ever run out of really bizarre ideas? Are these ideas coming from real cases or are they making them up? And if they are making them up, then should those writers really be allowed to be free in society?  For that matter, should any writer be free in society? Tis a question to be pondered by all who wonder how many ways you can kill someone and make it interesting for a full hour.

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It’s called personal responsibility

Soon after I turned forty, I looked back on my life and decided that there was some things I did very well and some things I didn’t.  I was professionally successful. I had wonderful friends and family. I was a multiple pet owner who loved and indulged her animals in every way possible.  And I was the worse practitioner in the world of the art of dating and relationships.

I realized, as I reviewed the detritus that passed for my romantic life, that I had a problem. Put one thousand wonderful men in a room with one scumbag and I

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In Memoriam

Mr. T 1990 – Oct. 16, 2006

His motto was “You can take my balls but you can’t take my testosterone” and he lived that motto every day of his life.

Now he’s waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge with Lovey and Morris and Adeline and Zia.  Sometimes it feels as though I can’t wait to join them.

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What will my new title be?

In view of my godchild’s pending event, will I become a Great Fairy Godmother (something I’ve always tried to be) or a Fairy Great Godmother?  And will either of those titles offend enough members of the gay community so as to cause them to file a class action suit against me?

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You know you’re old when….

You are visited by two lovely young ladies and halfway through the visit you start forgetting you ever changed their diapers and just keep thinking how much fun they are to be with.

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Can you say “personal responsibility”

OK, if I have this straight, and I’m afraid I do, some congressman running for re-election has decided that since Ted Kennedy was a scum bag when he deserted Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquidick, Dennis Hastert should be viewed as ok by us in comparison – even if he did sit on the fact that one of his party’s representatives was trying his best to diddle male congressional pages.  Ah politics.  Nothing like reaching for the gold standard, is there?  Of course, in this case we ended up with the poo poo standard.

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Do you know where your kids are, mom?

Just a quick note for that particular mom who I know is out there wondering how her kids are.  Well, she’s either doing that or she’s sitting at her kitchen table, reveling in the quiet, while sipping her 15th latte of the day and petting her dog.  Anyhow, they are fine. They are delightful. They are two charming young ladies that you should have no fear to present to the world.  And, they are an absolute hoot for wanting to hang around with an old lady and have fun.  Just a fair warning…I may have accidentally slipped and given out

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